
    This is such a horribly aggregated headline its not funny. Here’s the truth - made this shit up on their own. There is no fucking agreement between either companies. And best yet, you could always do this with lots of other lenders.

    Last night we celebrated wife’s birthday at the recently opened Rania, a modern Indian restaurant with prex-fixe menu and all that. I was slightly skeptical wondering if the chef would go out of his way to satisfy the white people palette, but one bite into the shrimp koliwada for starters and my fears were misplaced. Every course was absolutely stunning! The combination of flavors, spice and the distinctive taste of each item even within the same dish was amazing. We have never been to a high end Michelin star (and this is not a Michelin star, yet), but by god the explosion of flavors continued all through to desert and mouth freshener at end. Sure it was a very expensive meal (and you can make it much cheaper by visiting after 9pm), but this was one heck of a memorable meal! Even today morning I and wife can’t stop talking about the flavors. DC food scene keeps getting better and better.

    Of all the upgrades we did putting this grass and fence is best thing we did. Cant wait for spring summer fall to enjoy time in backyard

    At a swim meet in Warrentom, booneylands of Virginia. We ended up at a Thai place for lunch and had some of the best Thai food we have ever had. So much so that on day two of the meet again I am here solo just to eat the same fried rice again. So fucking good.

    If Hobbes gets any closer he will become part of the video

    This is hilarious!

    This 10 day forecast makes me so happy. Winter is running out of time and I am ready for it. Historically we have had a bad snap in March but it doesn’t last.

    Reminder that Uncle Sam only cares about taxes, not how you obtain it.

    A beautiful day after the cold snap meant a nice walk that turned into a walk in the woods leading to Starbucks coffee and back. A Sunday well spent already.

    Surely you don’t hire people with 10 years experience for “entry level”

    So, which is it?

    Had a nice chat with chatGPT today morning. I am not too concerned just yet that it will take my job. Not yet anyway. Surprise, 6 of the restaurants are nowhere close to being in Fairfax county, and some of them are as far away like Canada.

    Moments like these are so satisfying even if they last only a few mins.

    A beautiful day to be playing fetch in the yard

    Only in America

    Our backyard before & after (before pic was in May). Today we got sod installed. This has been a multi month journey to get here, but fuck the haters I am finally beginning to love our backyard, and Hobbes doesnt have to romp around in mud! Of course we’ll need to retrain him not to go pee-poo at his marzi, but thats a small price to pay.

    (Our first owners were allergic to grass it seems, hence the backyard was full of bizarre plants and shurbs, half of which we cut away because they had sharp thorns and thorny leaves. We couldnt have let our doggo out with that kind of foilage)

    Interesting sleep data for last night. I knew I was going to wake up at 4:30 this morning for swim meet. I don’t usually do alarms and just wake up at the time - don’t ask me how I do it - I basically think of a time to wake up and I will indeed wake up 5-10 mins before. Alarms infact stress me out more and I don’t even sleep in anticipation of it blaring. Anyway back to sleep stats - turns out I did not get any deep sleep at all last night. I wonder why - this whole week I have slept very well, have had no alcohol and have been having dinners at 7. I wonder if this is my body’s way of reacting to waking up at 4:30? That somehow my brain decided if I went into deep sleep I will miss my own alarm? Brain works in mysterious ways!

    What a fucking idiot

    This is not an image that makes me happy but I also know that for our good this was necessary. I really wish this tree was farther away.


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