
    Good boi decided to bring home a big stick for entertainment

    Gawd I will never understand this western / US obsession about parents not sharing bed with their kids. Like get over it! Even adult children co-sleep with their parents - it’s not a fucking big deal.

    This. So much this.

    That came out of nowhere but so glad! One of the best comedies.

    House is ready for showing. And only during these showings you find these ridiculous non functional layout like 2 chairs with what, a vase in between? What is it supposed to be? A conversation starter?

    That is one nasty bear and wow scary


    Just realized the micro app didn’t attach the photo. No I am not lying

    I really wish these Democratic orgs actually spent doing something useful than collecting signatures and harping about thing that will never happen in one or two lifetimes.

    What do you think will happen if people don’t buy next week? The level of delusion is incredible.

    Kya chutiya benchod hain tumhare Supreme Court justice look

    Bringing cheer to a dreary sad day.

    Celebrated kids bday at this awesome location where kids built boards and boxes, painted and colored them. What a fun place!

    In the school auditorium for a music performance. Also called Covidachella 22

    First things first - how big was the septic tank?

    Trying out the photo challenge. Theme is tranquility.

    The IRS sent a snail mail for this. I mean, really? How can they be this fucking dumb in 2022.

    When you call your pet’s name and he doesn’t respond you should check on the narad muni

    Watching the Eiffel. I particularly like how this turned out to be honest. It took a lot of attempts to get this right though - needed a bit more distance. Why is the frigging thing this tall?

    The stairs leading to/from basement in this house we visited last week was pretty cool and reminded me of Shakespeare & Co.

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