
    Apparently our community has a we’ve been booed tradition. And yes now we need to do the same. For anti socials like us this is so much pressure πŸ˜‚ - though I appreciate the fun aspect of it and the kid is already all planning mode who to boo!

    Omg what is this? The sun? How? What? When? How is this possible!

    I am sick of these trees. Come winter at east a few of them are on chopping block

    Did Swedish House Mafia design the dynamic island?

    Do these cookies sing all I want is you?

    This photo is the reason why I upgrade iPhone year after year. It’s bright as hell outside but I was able to not only capture details outside including blue sky, but also mini details on him like his eyes shining snd sliver of light on his face, and also if you look the car through in the back mirror. Just incredible power of camera + internal processing this. Even two years ago this would not be possible.

    My wife complains he gets more love and attention than my kid or her and I am like you are very correct about it

    Verizon 5G ultra wideband kicks some serious ass in speeds. Too bad it’s not available everywhere, and my house is just out of zone so I get LTE forget 5G. That said I sincerely feel we might be looking at end of wifi / Ethernet in coming decades for home internet. I mean in a decade or two, practically every device in most locations can be on direct cellular network.

    Kai re????!

    He kinda sucked TBH

    Well ship it already

    Enough time to still wreck this country apart

    A fox will eat them up, sorry.

    My thoughts exactly

    I had to go down the juvenile route

    Getting better face

    Pups back home, finally. Looks like he has also pepped up a bit and is looking more healthy than last night. Phew - and he barked demanded his yogurt rice, ate it and can’t stop smiling. Yes darling we too can’t stop smiling πŸ™‚

    What a perfect vacay ender sunset 😍 #unedited

    Water so clear sun reflects off the bottom, and yes that’s light dispersed. Unreal feels to this beach honestly. The last time I saw something like this (and even better) was Maldives.


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