
    An ultra gorgeous spring day under way! Deck time is now open.

    Exhibit A: performative progressive leftist. These people are as terrible as right wing clowns. There is absolutely no making them happy.

    Today’s wallpaper is Mr grumpy, to set the mood.

    This is so weird? Why would I not say “restart”? Is the opposite of stop, “unstop”? Is this some kind of new age gen alpha lingo or something?

    Northern Virginia’s version of “protest vote”. Like why? Why not just vote Biden in primary and general? What exactly are you trying to prove? To whom? Are you are a very educated voter that looks at “issues that matter to me” type thing? No? Then get the fuck in line.

    Oh so democrats are the real problem now? Got it. This is why we can’t have nice things on democrats side. (But who…. Instituted…. The Muslim ban? But who said there were wmds?)

    This is why America deserves Trump.

    He occupies my Home Screen 80% of the time I’d say. Today’s shot.

    I have no words 😂 @pratik

    This is the atrocious avatar that Microsoft copilot created of my English cream retriever. Like this is so pathetically laughable.

    He is 100% right. Why would India say anything against Russia? India has nothing to gain by doing this.

    Todays wallpaper. My father in law’s areca nut farm.

    Well, how else will they do their jobs right and stay focused? Good job yo!

    A beautiful sunny 50 degree day that even our community resident red-tailed hawk also approves of.

    Why do I care how much an adult rhino weighs in the context of things?

    Upon recommendation of my colleague to not wait for the series (coz it will not do justice she said) I am reading The Three Body Problem, that my colleague said this is the best sci-fi book she has read in a long long time. So I now have the trilogy to read before the tv series!


    Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi, 2003 - ★★★★½

    Rewatched this movie again last night after almost 2 decades and it remains one of the seminal movies of Bollywood. It amazes me how relevant the movie is even today in spite of being set in 1970s India. The only difference? A brave movie like this would never ever get made in today’s India and politics.

    Glad to see this is being said loud now and yes I was right about this doofus from day 1. I sincerely hope if Biden gets another term this guy gets the boot.

    Maybe because it’s been a terrible show since season 3? Apple really wants people to like this tripe of a show (season 1-2 were magnificent) but needs to stop pushing this why are people not watching FAM crap every few weeks through media and maybe just realize the show has completely gone off the rails.

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