It’s so bizarre that voters across different demographics all swung towards Trump - be it Latins all over, Cubans in Florida, Somalians in Minnesota, Arabs in Michigan and so on. And yet somehow democrats are the party of immigrants it seems. Make it make sense. I really hope democrats do a seriously right shift on immigration because they clearly are not the party for immigrants anyway so why even try 😂
📺 Outer Banks (2020) - ★★★★☆
Season 4 continues to be the same campy senseless leave your brains at home teenage treasure finding adventure drama. Kid loves it and we like it too coz it’s just so brainless timeless. The lead cast chemistry is fantastic though.
Ugh, cold is back again. Like why can’t we be in permanent summer or spring. (Yeah yeah i know, no need to tell me the obvious).
I am surprised Netanyahu did not get a cabinet position in this new admin after all the efforts he put in! War monger, Ethnic Cleanser, Genocide expert, Modern day Hitler – any of these titles and roles would’ve fitted him really well!
Today we offered a role in my team to a young Indian lady who just completed her masters and getting started and not even finished her OPT yet. She was what we call a split loop, where half the interviewers said yes to her and other half said no. But the entire panel agreed she had great attitude, curious, and showed a lot of potential and she was worth taking a chance on. So we decided to offer the role to her. I am glad she accepted and will be joining my team soon.
Has touching base gone out of fashion. There was a time when everyone in corporate world wanted to “touch base” with you next week. Now no one wants to touch base anymore. Sad!
My kid is not allowed to listen to Cardi B or Megan Thes Stallion (or any of the artists in same genre) on Alexa or HomePods. I don’t care if she does privately on her phone or headphones, just not in living rooms or cars where we are all around. We recently added Sabrina Carpenter to the list too which has annoyed her to no end, but she is so far complying! Of course we don’t hear Doja Cat either. Modern women artists have a serious serious identity issue - their entire career is basically hyper sexual songs and trying to be as slutty as possible. I get the appeal but gosh these are not serious artists, these are just trash.
Your protest vote got you Mike Huckabee. Hahaha. No seriously. Hahaha. If you didnt realize it yet, hahaha, I am laughing at you. Fucking gaza protest voters hahaha. I needed a laugh allright.
OMG, if your LinkedIn byline is “Empowering Lives Through Strategic Coaching & Financial Leadership”, just put me to bed already instead of connecting with me.
This is an eye-opening post by a black man on reddit:
I am a black man from NC. I did not vote and most of the black men I know did not vote. Here is why:
This line struck with me:
The main point is that black men in particular only vote for the democrats for economic reasons. And yes Kamala’s policies are economically better for us but the truth is many of us have simply given up on society already. Society turned their back on us long ago and only give us lip service and shit representation while our lives remain trash. Most of the black men in poor NC communities are doomer crash outs or aspiring immigrants. We are completely disconnected from society at this point and we have no stake in the game. Whether America goes up or down is not longer a concern to us. We voted democrat for years and our community is now in WORSE shape then in the MLK days.
Our FIOS went out at 4 in the afternoon presumably due to some accident nearby. Still not fixed! The estimated time to restore is tomorrow mid day. This is the longest outage I have ever seen FIOS have. Even in the worst weather FIOS is dependable but today is something else. Something must have seriously gone wrong.
FIOS is out which means we have no TV tonight. We actually have to talk to each other. The horror 😱😱😱
Not clicking or reading any more stories about Israel’s continued genocide in Palestine. From my point of view, post Nov 5 the blood is on Arab Americans hands and the people who wanted to send Biden and democrats a message. My conscience is clear so best of luck to all those who sent a message. The blood of all those innocent people is now on your hands.
Over the last week I have done the following: 1/Logged out and deleted my twitter account. I had a shadow account that I had been using to track local police/school/weather accounts but fell into the dark hole a month before election by using it nonstop tracking the election. Now that it’s over, time to logout and keep it away. It has actually worked wonders just by doing this for my mental health. 2/ I am actively not taking any interest in “Trump appointed X to run X” articles. They are all over my news app but I am just not following it anymore; I sometimes click to read the opening paragraph and then just ignore the rest. It’s immaterial now. 3/ I had advised my wife and kid to do the same and avoid all news altogether. I told my kid focus back on Taylor Swift and not elections (which she was heavily invested in!). 4/ Start focussing on the things that I can indeed control in the short term, most important being my health and planned vacations. There’s a lot going on there that deserve more attention. 5/ Be more outgoing and invite more of our extended friends to spend time with us. While I love the small circle of friends we have, we just don’t do enough meeting up with so many others that we really should; over next few months just having more people around and meeting them will be a good change. They ain’t going nowhere yet, so we might as well enjoy! In short, fuck the news and focus inward.
Can we like stop with this whole nonsense of Biden stepping aside now so Kamala can be the first woman president, or Biden nominating her to SCOTUS. Like he DID step aside. She did her best. The American public has spoken. What Biden must focus on is to biggest bang for the buck that gives democrats a fighting chance in future than to indulge in symbolic performative nonsense like this.
The dreaded end of year reviews means no matter how good or bad someone is I need to make a sucky choice of rating someone below the line and potentially creating an exit scenario for that person. This is the one aspect of management job I am sure everyone hates but as my current manager told me, If you dont nominate someone, I will nominate you to be that person - simple, but quite effective forcing function. I dont like this one bit, but I gotta do what I have to do I suppose. I know the criteria by which (rather simple) I am going to do it though.
It’s insane how I am seeing Kamala all over my Instagram suddenly. Like every post even going back to few weeks ago suddenly popping up in timelines. Don’t let anyone fool you that only Musk was the only one here with X - Mark was equally in cahoots suppressing all dem information and pushing conservative posts.
Is it just me or the bakers on this season of great British bake off are insanely good! So far Dylan is my favorite and honestly the fact that he is Indian-Japanese is even more cooler coz that’s a combination I would have never imagined. Also, he seems like a fantastic baker!