For fathers day my wishlist item is to see Inside Out 2. My just turned teen is annoyed at my choice and I am not budging. She does not want to go to see the movie, partly because she feels it will be all too real as a teenager. I can’t wait!

When historians look back at America (if there is a future) and try to determine at what point the complete moral and ethical decay began in the society, it won’t be 9/11, or a fascist getting elected. The day America lost its soul forever was Sandy Hook and history must remember it as such and nothing less. Read a news article today about those surviving kids finishing high school this year and it still feels like it happened so recently. I hope the survivors go on to lead successful fulfilling lives and maybe leave the country for good because America quite literally has failed them.

If Biden wins again I want him to throw out his worst possible hire: Merrick Garland.

Loving the fight by USA team against India. I still expect India to win but goddamn they are no flash in the park in this world cup! or at least till now.

Go team USA! No confusion here whom to support for today’s Ind vs USA cricket match!

Last day of school today which means I get to make a last day of school video with the kid and ask her the same questions I have asked her on the last day of school every year. Its been to fun see her grow through these end of year videos, and how her answers have evolved through the years.

I dont know how people keep up with The Boys. I watched one season, enjoyed it and by the time I was mid way through second season the show legitimately put me off completely. I didnt even realize they had a fourth season coming and a final fifth. Like how much can they keep milking that crap.

Last night, A makes Chinese style burnt garlic fried rice for dinner. After dinner, dad says to A “That tamarind rice was so delicious! I’ve never had tamarind rice with vegetables before”. I made a quick exit from the room before I got the stare.

As a manager one of my key tasks is to identify who is ready for a promotion in the next promo cycle. My rule is simple: You are ready for promotion if you report to me and I have no fucking idea what you are doing. If we are that stage in our working relationship, then a) we both trust each other completely and b) you are largely autonomous and do not require me to make any decisions on your behalf. I trust your decisions and will back you. If both a) and b) are already true, this person should already be at the next level.

I was assigned a mandatory “GenAI” course at work to complete with estimated time to complete it at 4 hours. I directly jumped to the assessment and used GenAI to answer all the questions and finished the training in less than 20 minutes. If this isn’t the best use case for GenAI what is?

Throw the motherfucker in jail for being an absolute stink on his otherwise amazing family.

Last night at the gym I and Pakistan-origin coach had a fun time talking about the India-Pakistan clash on Sunday. All was good until a white woman decided to pitch in with I can’t get into cricket! I don’t have time for 7-8hr game! I don’t even understand it. Who plays this game? Both me and the coach looked at her for a few seconds, ignored her and continued with her banter. Back of my mind I am like, what exactly did this lady feel that she wanted to interrupt our conversation that she clearly had no input into except a whine? Was she feeling left out? Was she genuinely interested in talking about sports? Or was it admonish the brown people there by dismissing a game clearly both me and coach enjoyed talking about. I sincerely hate these kind of pricks at the gym and I am so glad both me & the coach just ignored her and continued chatting.

Apparently the President of the most powerful country in the world is absolutely powerless to do anything against a Supreme Court judge who has decided that his will and beliefs are more important than common good, and he will go to any lengths to advance his agenda. Meanwhile President and rest of us have no recourse except go cool shit bro!

The OpenAI ChatGPT deep integration into iOS and MacOS has almost no chance of being approved on our workplace macs or iOS devices. For personal iOS devices I won’t be surprised if new guidelines evolve to prevent us from either using personal device for mail/slack or block ChatGPT/OpenAI.

Glad the vehicle is not from 1898

It’s 2024 and somehow calculator app for iPad is “news”.

Coke Studio Season 15 ended so bizarrely and suddenly. After a 2+ years break and a magnificent Season 14, Coke Studio finally came back in April to only end abruptly just 7 songs later. Not sure what has been going on there, but the way Season 15 was handled seems super hackneyed. There some real gems in this season too though - Aayi Aayi, Maghron La, Blockbuster, Haraklay were definitely pick of the lot this season. Hopefully they come back for Season 16, but it felt rather ominous. Also, can we like stop with Quickstyle dances? Talk about over saturation and overdoing a dance group!

Guarding the house I suppose?

How did India steal win from jaws of defeat? Usually it’s other way around. Also feel bad for Pakistan damn!

At this point I am very excited about India USA match because I think USA has a real chance looking at this Indian collapse today!