Done with 3 body problem on Netflix. The books were still fresh on my mind while I watched S1 so it definitely helped figure out how they had “adapted” the books to the screen. My overall verdict for the series is…. its ok. I think the biggest thing the series lacks was lack of investment in characters. I truly didnt care for any character even though I cared so much reading the books. Several events in the books that should’ve translated to big moments on screen almost feel like an afterthought. And yeah, the series really need good lead actors. Everyone supporting them did a great job, but the lead actors themselves were bland. Anyway, hoping it gets a second season, but D&D were not the right people to take on the books is my take.

This is Chorafari, a crispy fried snack made from chora flour and very popular in western India. As a kid I used to binge on these nonstop, and my grandma would not tire out making these over and over again. A little bit of salt, chili powder sprinkled on top make this a winner!

Not bad at all from Virginia. Our backyard was perfectly under sun for us to enjoy it.

Dear republicans take a magnifying glass and look at the sun directly! I saw Jesus!! He is there. Do it!

We are not prepped for this solar eclipse; the sickness wore us down so much I never even ordered sunglasses. Luckily the kid got eclipse glasses from school so she is good!

It’s bright and sunny here but we are not in path of totality :(

Thanks to the kid we watched March Madness for first time yesterday and it was so much fun. The kid is turning out to be way more of a sports enthusiast than both of us and thats a good thing!

#mbapr Day 8: Prevention is better than cure they say and a good old old-fashioned certainly helps with the objective. Take daily as needed. (Not a doctor, talk to your own physician before embarking on any diet)

Happy solar eclipse day to all those who celebrate.

I just remarked to my wife it’s been more than a week that I last sat without a sweater or a jacket on inside the house after the house was already 74 degrees. We have been that cold thanks to flu - today evening is the first time I am just in tees and joggers. Finally this fucking flu might be on its way out!

Nothing is more important to my well-being than being in Sun or very brightly lit rooms. I detest dark shady places.

Windy sunset

I challenged the kid to read the rose code and winner gets a Starbucks drink. What an epic mistake. She finished it in 3 days straight days while the flu wrecked me hasn’t even gone past page 1. Lesson to myself - never challenge the kid on a book read!

I am keeping politics to myself this year is the new I am voting for Trump in 2024 but I am too ashamed to admit it

Gawd I will take covid over flu any day. Even with vaccines this is the most miserably sick I have felt in a while. Can we like fast forward to next week?

Started watching 3 body problem on Netfix a couple of days ago. Since the book is still fresh in my mind I have to say its not a bad adaptation. I still dont trust D&D to not fuck it up though.

Didnt feel a thing out here in DC area but def heard from friends in philly that their house shook for a good 30 seconds; lowkey but still earthquake for sure!

Vote ‘em out is the only solution.

Fighter, 2024 - ★

What in the effing world was this crap?

I had forgotten what feeling sick feels like. The last time I was feeling this sick was 4 years back before the pandemic began. Even the bouts of Covid I have had have been super mild to just being a pesky annoyance. But this whatever it is, is keeping me up at nights and day.