I dont get what IIT Delhi, Abu Dhabi campus is. Like shouldn’t it just be IIT Abu Dhabi? Why is it IIT Delhi, Abu Dhabi? Are these IITs run completely independent of one another? Are the not singular entity?
This weekend marked one year since one of my closest buds lost his toddler kid :(. For us it feels like a year has went by in a jiffy but I am sure for them it must have been a slow painful year of coming to terms with it. For all the things in the world, death of a young child is not something I will wish upon even my worst enemies. It’s just heartbreakingly painful and nobody needs it.
I am so tired of all the password breaches on a daily basis that I now default to using google login wherever it’s offered on any website. I simply cannot manage tracking my passwords and the constant breaches, and then changing the said password. I will give up some of my personal data to google for the convenience of tracking just one login. There really must be a better way!
📺 IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack (2024) - ★★★★☆
Very well made taut retelling of the hijack. I have no idea why this was controversial in India - they really have useless controversy going on. Stellar star cast and pacing!
Went for a drive just 25 miles west wards and the amount of trump signs ooof. Boss Virginia is in play, no two ways about it. Trump is right. Ignore the polls and fucking vote - Virginia can be a surprise.
This years flu and Covid vaccine connection have truly taken me out. Body ache / chills / fevers the whole 9 yards. Haven’t had this for as long as I remember. Does this years shot contain a potent dose or something?
So according to some over exuberant Indian Americans in the USA, modi has brought the golden age of India and it should be celebrated. Ok then why are you not moving back Patel bhai? Considering America is in serious decline you would surely want to be part of a country in its golden age? Yes?
I kinda want to call up my relatives today and ask how did the beef taste in the laddoo, and calmly ask if at this point they have consumed more beef than me and now I am more of a Brahmin than they are 😆😆
I don’t think I have said (or say) I love you to my wife as many times in the last 16 years as many times I say it to my doggo in a single week. I got my priorities right!
Ah look the terrorist country strikes again unhinged.
I dunno, Mark Robinson seems like just kind of person Trump would appoint to SCOTUS, and Clarence Thomas might literally wet his pants to welcome him.
Apple iPhone 16 demand is so weak that employees can already buy it on discount
Not surprised at all. Older phones are lasting longer, newer phones are expensive and not enough juice to justify the upgrade anymore. I am getting the 16 pro after 3 years and I am already contemplating whether I should return it back anyway coz I dont know why I need another monthly installment.
I feel like Kamala may be falling into same zone as Hillary. While Trump seems to be doing anything and everything possible to be in news - be is crap tweets, stupid news conferences or town halls or well crap rallies - all you hear from Kamala is rallies. She really needs to get out there and do more. Why not townhalls? Why not interviews? Sell yourself and whole damn package! I really don’t want to see a Hillary repeat but gosh she really is not in news cycle as much as she should be at this point.
Pennsylvania being real close aligns with my non scientific theory of lawn signs. The amount of Trump signs I saw in suburbs of Philly was distressing. It was not a whole lot, but it was more than I remember seeing, and so few Harris signs. Harris better a have plan without Pennsylvania coz I do not get the feeling it’s in the bag for her at all.
It’s official, we are returning to a 5 days a week workplace starting next year. While I absolutely hate it, there is a glimmer of hope in between that they don’t really want to do badge tracking as they do now. I think subtext of the announcement is, if you are in the HQ locations you are most likely going to be OK, but if you are in remote locations, well you are screwed. I anticipate a lot of other companies are going to follow suit with this approach. We are not going back to how we worked during pandemic - which effectively means all these smaller cities and states that saw the post pandemic tech boom are most likely going to bust.
All the safety features for lange change alone make the price of upgrade worth it. Gosh once I get used to this it’s gonna be hard going back to older ways!
Proud owner of the Kia Carnival 2025 Hybrid. It was time to retire the MDX after 14 great years. Nothing wrong with it and I am going to sell it, we just needed to live in 2024 and things like CarPlay, additional safety features are now very much desired.
🍿 The Whale (2022) - ★★★☆☆
This was a horribly depressing watch. So much sadness. I would have rated it higher but Jesus if I knew this movie was going to be this depressing I would have never started it. That said what a performance by Brendan Fraser though.
Two elementary kids yelling on street while at walk:
Kids let me tell you all of you are SKIBBIDI! Take it from me!
🍿 Berlin (2023) - ★★★★☆
Such a slow burn. This was like watching a novel unfold rather than watching a movie! Superb acting and loved atmosphere of the movie.