We had great fun riding the bike down the hillside from gtindelwald first. So much fun and so thrilling!

Two days ago this was all foggy and cloudy. Today, though ooof! 😍

Jungfraujoch is like Niagra of Switzerland I guess, in sense that the only people who seem to visit the β€œtop of Europe” are Indians and Asians πŸ˜†

As if on cue, the last day we are spending in Jungrsu region is the day it’s absolutely clear with zero clouds in any direction πŸ™ƒ. That said great call to have bought jungfrau tickets for today morning coz it looks amazing, and grindelwald first being next door means we can hop by again to see the views we missed 3 days ago!

My teen made an observation this morning that Indian babies and kids cry a lot and it’s really annoying her. Funny enough once she said it stuck in my brain and omg she is so fucking right - it is the desi toddlers and babies whining all the frigging time!

Lovely day spent again the Swiss alps save for the very unsavory incident involving an old Swiss local, all over a stupid fucking wildflower. Old people all over the world are a fucking menace. That said gawd such lovely vistas and hikes, and Swiss infrastructure is just beyond world class.

As beautiful as Switzerland is, the Swiss locals are even more racists than we encourntered in Paris. Disappointing - twice in two days we had a local heckle us over something. First time I ignored - pricks are everywhere but second time today is not normal. Fuck off you pieces of shit. I am still hopeful majority of folks are not like this internally.

Oh it never attached the pic. Weird.

I can’t even describe the kind of scenery we are witnessing anymore. Stunning is what I and A are saying over and over again. The pic does no justice.

Grindelwald to Klein Schiedegg train OMFG 😍

The level of smoking everywhere whether train stations or restaurants UGGHHHHHH.

Week 1 of vacation done and today we peaked our walking.

Quintessential Switzerland! Loved hiking around Lauterbrunnen valley in afternoon and an unplanned long hike in Grindelwald with gorgeous views! Lauterbrunnen sucked as a village (insanely crowded and loud) but once you got out transports into something magical.

Oh my Lauterbrunnen 😍!

😍 I am in love 😍

Amazing view from top of grindelwald first

Grindelwald is a complete flop. Yet to see the sun in the famed town lol. Luckily weather down in valley a train ride away is gorgeous! This is one place I will never recommend anyone visit except as part of day trip. I am sure it’s popular in winter, but as a summer destination it just sucks.

Second day we found a shortcut to get to our hotel that cuts our incline from 65% to 55% and I will take it. I am kidding of course about % but my goodness the walk to the hotel from the train station is just leg breaking cardio exercise.

The most boorish and worst behaved tourists I am seeing everywhere here: Indians.

The Swiss infrastructure though is mind boggling good. There is a reason why this area is so popular - you can access almost anywhere by train,bus, furnicular or gondola. This makes the area so accessible anyone of any age can really soak the beauty in. I am in awe of their public transport options allright!