Why do I care how much an adult rhino weighs in the context of things?

I want to like The Tourist. But three episodes in I dont know what I am watching anymore. Now I am just compelled to finish the series.

Spot on!

It’s mind-boggling. And so, so disappointing. Two mature adults — officers of the court, experienced attorneys — could not find it in themselves to put their romantic inclinations on hold while working on the most important case of their careers, and one of the most important criminal cases in American history? They should have known that any whiff of impropriety would be exploited to tank the case. You cannot be traipsing off together to places like Belize and Aruba and expect to keep it a secret. Good lord.

I have been watching this unfold and this is the stuff is made for TV shows. Like how can they both be such fucking idiots? And why are democrats always finding their hands in their pants? First the Cal Cunningham in NC. Then Susanna Gibson in Virginia. Now these two in Georgia. Like fucking christ realize that the bar for you is higher!

A beautiful sunny morning to start the week. My mental clock is already getting excited looking at March inching close by. I dream of spring!

India is not the same country that I left 23 years ago. America is not the same country I came to 23 years ago either. Both of these countries have gotten worse way societally than better in the last 2 decades, so you or me have no right to compare the two right now. We all have to just make peace with our decisions and carry on doing the right thing in our small circle, hoping that one day it will matter. Thats really it.

Upon recommendation of my colleague to not wait for the series (coz it will not do justice she said) I am reading The Three Body Problem, that my colleague said this is the best sci-fi book she has read in a long long time. So I now have the trilogy to read before the tv series!

The best kind of weather forecast is when they call for 2-5” of snow and less than an inch actually falls. We had one such non event last night and I am so thrilled!

Mr and Mrs Smith was just terrific TV but oh man oh man that ending ooof!


My immediate reaction to Sora was I can’t wait for motherfucking republicans to create their own alternate reality with AI created videos and become even more unhinged from reality than they are. And for Facebook and company to say it’s not their job to tell the user if it’s a AI generated video or not coz freedom of speech and all.

This whole national anthem before any fucking event has to stop in this country. It makes me feel nothing as an American and just makes me smirk at the jingoism. Like I am at a swim meet and there are just two events tonight and we must do this national anthem song and dance just because. So ridiculous. Trevor is so right in his comic special.

I don’t get this Bezos hate going on presently because he sold 4 billion worth of shares and by moving Florida and saved on nearly 300-600 million dollars in taxes. Internet’s up in arms about how bad he is. I’m like, dude’s doing what any smart rich man would do. Why isn’t that hate and anger directed at Florida that enables and creates loopholes in their tax code so that billionaires like him take advantage of it. Imagine if every fucking state made rich people pay fair share of their taxes? Imagine to what good public use might have those 300 million dollars been used in Florida if they taxed. Stop whining at him. Get angry at your government, vote and force the change through legislature. Oh wait, who am I kidding - one one side we have brain dead amoebas called republicans and on the other hand we have the young keyboard warriors who need a perfect sunny 80 degree weather with nothing else to do to go out and vote.

On Valentine’s day me and wife agreed that if we were ever to divorce then we’d drag each other to the courts to decide who will keep the dog and also simultaneously try to wash our hands off the kid. Since we are in near perfect agreement on this, I dont think we’ll get divorced.

I am in my mid forties and I already feel exhausted plowing through the week with a 9-5 job and pre/post work activities but sure, let me complain that my 80 year old President whose 24-7 schedule and crises demand he work with tenacity of a 20 year old is somehow unfit for the job and he really needs to have the acuity and energy of a 8 year old to earn my vote. Ok.

OK, I saw that Jon Stewart episode again about Trump v Biden and I still dont change my mind that it was poor from Jon; not only did he too fall victim to Biden is too old trope, but he seemed to double down on it why Biden being too old matters a lot because Trump is on the other side. Hopefully he gets better with future episodes but if Jon is going to keep taking both sides in 2024 i am outtahere.

Is it just me or Jon Stewart’s takedown of Biden vs Trump felt like he was out of touch? I was very surprised by his take that it did not matter who won in November and no one has to worry about it before, after or forever? Is he really suggesting that Trump is not as bad a choice as we’d think. At other point he suggested Biden should and must get more scrutiny because he’s against Trump, and I was like umm, say what?! I admit I was quite bewildered by his take on the election. Feels like he was really trying to be both sides to kick off his return to Daily Show.

Oh no! How will MAGA reconcile Taylor Swift conspiracies now?

Jesus must be so desperate these days that he’s had to come out with so many ads on Super Bowl. Didn’t know even gods were so insecure about themselves.

Haha Australia defeated India in the U19 World Cup finals also. The heartache continues but I am so glad we have a competitive team outside of India.