Honestly think Trump missed a trick by not nominating Vance as his VP pick instead of Vivek. For that we must be thankful because this gives me hope that the may be beatable at the ballot after all. With Vivek, I thought it was a solid pick as a wingman for Trump. I wonder if Trump saw too much of himself in Vivek.
I am curious to see how the year of accountability is going for people keeping track.
What exactly is the function of Merrick Garland in this administration is completely beyond me. One of the biggest losers in the Biden appointees, the man is an absolute shame to himself and USA.
Sorry, I still think it was all staged and he is such a horrible human being that he did not mind other people dying around him as collateral damage. I honestly think he is fully capable of it.
Today afternoon was a gentleman’s soccer. Now we watch real soccer as it’s meant to be played! #copa
First Alcaraz now their soccer team! Just declare a national holiday already! Nicely done! #euro
One of the amusing things about tennis is its scoring system. Everyone just accepts the 15-30-40-game scoring system but why is it so? I have never bothered to research it but it’s like no one ever questions it and accepts it as a fact!
It’s insane to think that Trump’s shooter was a 20 year old. This man was only 12 in 2016 when Trump first came into power. In the 8 years since then he went off the rails so bad he decided to try and shoot a ex president. For all practical purposes this man was literally a kid when he started getting radicalized by the Trump cult. This is what Trump and MAGA cult has done to the nation and continues to do so. This the deplorable stuff Hilary talked about. Truly pathetic.
Wow complete dominance from Alcaraz. So much fun to watch oof!! Love it when the sucker Djokovic loses.
Super Sunday - Wimbledon, euro and copa! I don’t give a fuck what happens to politics today.
I am pretty sure this is all staged and he just wanted a good moment on TV. You could make out he had the script to do just that.
It’s sad to see how Ambanis went from a powerful well respected family when dhirubhai was around to a complete caricature and third class pigs within the last 2 decades. To think the kind of aura and respect dhirubhai used to hold to a complete clownfish in the current ambani. Money can’t buy you class for sure.
How come modiji was not dancing in the ambani wedding? How could he let go of another opportunity to stuff himself in the face? Seems like his crowd was there anyway.
Omg I see some parents looking at me. I over heard them discussing needing more timers for tomorrow and they can’t find any. And now I feel like I am going to be asked. Time for more food!
(To be clear I have already finished my allocated hours this season and more so no I do not want to volunteer more!)
At a swim pep rally at swim club where I am the only brown person in the family of whites galore. Like just one lol. So yeah no ones talking to me and people I hang out with usually are not here either so I am going to spend time on micro! No this is not a criticism of white people - I am an introvert and I know that so striking up a convo is not my thing anyway. Swimming really is such a white sport though.
Dad left for India last night and calm has returned. I think the outcome of this vacation is that two months is a long time for him to be here and summer is the worst time to come. Next trip it will have to be shorter and in a different season, though the next trip will be a little while away.
I honestly do think that the Biden campaign and his coterie of advisors did a massive disservice to him. I watched good parts of press conference this morning and he was eloquent, answered questions with depth and knowledge of someone who knows his stuff inside out. So then, WHY THE FUCK HAS HE NOT BEEN DOING MORE PRESS CONFERENCES! I just can’t understand this line of thinking. He clearly does not have an issue speaking on any issue, then why the F would you not get him front of press in adhoc way more? If anything his stammer and verbal gaffes would’ve been total non-issues and it might have actually helped Biden himself be a little bit more human. Unlike now it just feels everything his campaign is doing is to save his campaign from impending disaster.
So you are telling me that 50% of the country who held such a big grudge that a black man was president of the country for 8 years that they overlooked a wildly capable white woman for president in favor of a racist orange fuck will somehow be ok with a potential black woman president?
I guess Biden’s solo debate is tonight with press eh? No matter what he says, the op-ed has already been written is my guess and everyone knows how it will go.
What if, and hear me out, its actually Harris herself plotting Biden’s post-debate collapse? She sees an opening here but she wants to make sure she comes across as a savior, not as an opportunist. What if she is orchestrating the fallout from the background, slowly but surely putting pressure on Biden to move aside for her? She probably realizes that after 8 years of democratic president, the chances of her winning in 2028 are pretty slim and she wants to make the best use of an opening here because she truly believes she can be the one?
I know, I have watched too much of Veep!