What exactly is Nikki Haley waiting on, or hoping to happen at this point? Republicans and “undecided” voters have told us who they wanted all along so why continue the grift lol. This Republican primary is over even before it started.

Finally the thawing has begun! Looking forward to this warmish week and may this be the last of the deep cold winter!

This is how the highly educated Hindu tech bros are justifying Ayodhya

Caleb Dressel holds the USA record for fastest 50m butterfly at 22.35 seconds. A 12 year old kid at this swim meet did the same at 27.98. This is just a random meet - not a championship or a state level or a junior Olympics. It’s crazy to think how small the margins get as you get older and how much athletes put in to shave off those milli milli seconds.

My election hot take - Biden campaign is doing a disservice to themselves by highlighting the economy. I don’t think the ground reality matches the statistics. They are over indexing on the stock market and jobs report but not on the cost of living itself that has skyrocketed in the past few years. Everything is just fucking expensive now and it would do them well to empathize with people and relate to the fact that a great economy has not actually meant upwards mobility for a majority of people.

In other news our electric furnace has conked out again. I wonder what it is this time. The aux heat runs just fine which was broken last week - now the normal heat has stopped working after two days of functioning normally. Have a new havve guy coming today to check again. Let me repeat it from rooftops - electric furnaces are the absolute worst things ever! If you are in market and have a gas line to home do yourself a favor and get a gas furnace instead. My townhouse had a 20+ years old gas furnace that not ONCE did we ever do maintainence or had it repaired. In less than two years I have had this electric crap inspected and repaired atleast 4 times.

New cars cost almost as much as a major home remodel like kitchen or something now. When did car prices get so high over the last decade? It’s just insane that average car payment is 700$+ per month for new cars. This is such a scam - and on top of it many car makers are introducing subscription services. I will not buy another new car but when used car payment average is also 600+$ per month it tells you how out of whack the car market is.

Second day of swim meet, and entire weekend has went waking up at 4, driving through horrid cold weather and icy roads one way for a hour to the meet and getting back by midday. So much for me wanting a peaceful weekend after last two weeks at work!

Our community trail was looking very pretty today.

This dog really loves the snow.

She would have turned 4 two days ago. I tried not to think about it at all but last night I gave in. I created a Google photos album of all the photos that we have of her and it just feels so surreal to know she is not around anymore. Pictures in hospital of us holding her post birth, or the first time she came to our house, or the time she joined us at the beach vacay, or pictures of the bond she had with my doggo, or the amount of times she’s just sitting in lap. Just hard to fathom this loss, and I don’t even want to imagine what they must be going through. This is just unfair.

My kid takes great pictures, sometimes.

His human companions may have hated the shoveling but somebody had such a blast on the trail. Let him loose and he had the zoomies of his life! Makes tolerating snow worth it.

Allright snow shoveling time! I expect to be fuming with rage in approximately 30 minutes questioning why am I living in this place.

Whipped honey? WTF is whipped honey?

Today has been a slow day at work. After the last two weeks including a lot of weekend work, this is very welcome and yes I am taking it easy for today. And yes thats why I am also on a roll posting here so much! Muchos suffering you shall have.

I have the RAW version of this picture (in color) but I can’t make up my mind how I want to edit it - I love this Black & White edited version of this picture and want it on a wall, but I am not 100% sure how much more do I want to edit this.

If Apple Vision Pro wont support immersive porn experience its going to fail just like Betamax. If you buy a 3500$ immersive experience device and can’t even jack off on it in basement, whats the whole fucking point?

OMG its raining snow now. Like stop! Just stop it already. Shuddering at thought of all the shoveling later this evening. Where the heck are the teenage kids in our neighborhood? Don’t they want to earn some quick bucks?

Omg more snow ughhhh yuck!