Finally heat! Turns out the aux heat fired so many times that it burnt through a wire and furnace tripped and shut down for safety. I had to taper some ambitious settings on ecobee as well but hey the desi guy was awesome and charged me very little for his work even though I insisted it’s not something he would have caught easily. @pratik

Strange icy jellyfish are growing on my trees!

Part of me thinks my furnace woes are probably because of ecobee. I have not been a fan of these devices from day 1, but now I am really tempted to just replace them and go back Google Nest which i used to love.

Its insane to me a company of Apple’s size could not find a way (read: Buy their way) out of the blood oxygen dispute. Like really? This is a company that’s charging nearly 40 bucks a month for their iCloud service but can’t find a way to pay royalties that other company deserves? BS.

Well fuckity fuck. This morning our electric furnace conked off. No power cycling, circuit cycling or anything helping. Its dead. Dead as in like dead dodo. I have a hvac guy coming in afternoon but I hate hate hate these electric furnaces. Fucking pieces of shit. Well I hope its not a serious fix to this. Luckily our upstairs furnace is working so small mercies!

Of all things a potential Iran Pakistan war was not my on 2024 bingo card list.

I need to move to Lisbon or Barcelona and escape this winter forever! Where is the fucking global warming? Just warm the damn earth already!

I hope now that the Ram Mandir is finally opening in Ayodhya, a generation of Hindus finally find the peace and honor they’ve been chasing for decades. I hope a generation of Hindus finally feel like their quest that started in 1980s has finally been fulfilled, 4 decades later. I hope they find the grace within themselves to feel content and wish for no more newer quests. Who am I kidding though? My uncle already sent a WhatsApp forward with a crying Krishna’s picture with words Why are you worrying Krishna? Modi will build your temple at Mathura next.

I think a lot is being said about De Santis losing Iowa. The only reason he lost is because republicans remain the rabid pigs that they are and voted for an even more rabid orange pig. If that orange pig didn’t exist these scums would have voted the next rabid pig in line - aka De Santis. Don’t worry he has a lot of time yet.

It’s 11F / feels like 0F outside this morning and my electric heaters are having a very hard time keeping up. The aux heat hasn’t stopped firing (good luck to my electric bills!) and it’s struggling to keep the temperature afloat. Hopefully this week is the last of this winter, and February is warmer. That said another 5” snow event on Friday and I am already like ugh no.

Killers of the Flower Moon, 2023 - ★★

What a bore. This movie should have been far more nail biting, engrossing and intense than it is. All it becomes is just lame bore. So disappointed.

The doggo has had so much fun in snow today morning that he’s exhausted himself out and now just wants to cuddle up and sleep!

Tips on how to be a good white neighbor: Dont let What do you do to stay out of trouble on streets at night? be your first question when your brown neighbor moves in. That was literally the first question my next door white retired man asked. Nice people. They even threw a party in the cul-de-sac for us. I just haven’t forgotten or forgiven him for asking me that. It just sets a bad tone and feels very condescending. Even if you didnt mean it. Its been 18 months almost we’ve moved in, but we measure our words very carefully with him and his wife, because a part of me just believes he’s a closet racist. By all accounts they have been very pleasant neighbors and never bother us, but they are also pokey in a way that makes me uncomfortable so I try to keep the niceties to a minimum. You dont bother us, I wont bother you and we are all very good!

First real snow in 2 years. A good 6-8” everywhere. Was a task to shovel it. May it also be the last snow for next 5 years 😁

Glad to see Better Call Saul not picking up a Emmy. Look it was a great show till season 3 and then steadily went downhill. The last season was a chore and there is no two ways about it. If anything it’s the first three seasons that deserved all the accolades! Also, Kieran Culkin is killing it - he was the breakout star of Succession in final season and it shows! I miss that show.

Today at Jamba Juice I asked the juicer to mix ginger with my purely carrot juice. She gave me look of what the fuck are you trying to do type.Now I am like wait do people not know ginger and carrot is a great combination?

There will always be some obscure law that benefits you in particular because of which you will define your political alliance. That is great and how it should be, under normal circumstances; but these are not normal times. You have to be able to put common decency, humanity and just general respect of greater good over anything else in today’s time. If you can’t and hide behind laws to justify your position, well I got news for you - you are as bad as Trump; don’t try to justify why your hands are tied and all, just admit it that you are a trumpkin. Don’t try to fool us, or yourselves.

I find it weird that The Bear is nominated as a comedy in most award shows which is such a disservice to Only Murders In the Building because it’s such an award grabbing strategy. The Bear is not a comedy by any means! It’s a great show yes.

Started watching Killers of the flower moon. Have budgeted 3 nights to finish the movie so let’s see how I do!

Society of the Snow, 2023 - ★★★★

This was a harrowing movie to watch, almost horror movie. I did know much about the history but wow what a nightmare and the movie really brings the nightmare to life.