Society of the Snow, 2023 - ★★★★

This was a harrowing movie to watch, almost horror movie. I did know much about the history but wow what a nightmare and the movie really brings the nightmare to life.

Got my third clothing stuff from Patagonia and I am a fan. I like this company and I will support this company as and when I can afford their stuff!

Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One, 2023 - ★½

Watched it on flight from Denver to DC. I didnt even finish the last 20 minutes. What an absolute chore of a movie - can't believe this is the same series that used to be so exciting.

Well, someone’s not happy to be asked to vacate their current resting station.

But it will take more than piecemeal public policy to change America’s almost pathological child neglect. At root, we must overthrow the persistent delusion of rugged individualism — the perverse American mythology that everyone must fend for themselves, no matter the cost. To raise children with the care and comfort they deserve, we must learn to think of ourselves in concert with others. We must, in short, nurture the ideal of community that America’s policies have worked to tear apart.

So well put. Why America hates its children

Look I get it when white men get called out and how it must offend them, especially when they get called out for their politics. I hear ya. I identify as Hindu and part of majority in India too and trust me I used to get upset when the minorities called us Hindus out too. After all, “I am not like them”. It took a while to dawn on me that if “I am not like them” then I don’t need to be offended or worry about it. The people who are offended know exactly why they were offended. I hope white men who get offended realize that soon - if you are offended, maybe stop and rethink why. It’s hard but you’ll get there!

One of the more shocking aspects of my trip has been the revelation of how many people love Vivek Ramaswamy! And I mean people on my team including desis. Like WTF is wrong with ya’all? And another desi who lives in Southern California lamented on state of ca and politics there and I am like exactly what is hurting you?

At that point in work trip where everyone is just tired and wants to head back home. Meeting people in person is a lot of fun but meeting them for entire days for a week, is, not.

Didn’t sleep well last night at all. Unlike many I actually do sleep well in hotel rooms, but in spite of having a quiet room now not exactly having the best sleep. Not sure if it’s altitude adjustment or dryness somethings not jelling. I am not the only one though in team saying similar things.

I knew Denver air was dry, but boy it really is dry as heck. Feels like i need chapsticks and moisturizers galore!

At that stage in life where I told my wife and kid don’t expect me to bring anything back from Denver for you and also simultaneously googling closest doggy store coz how I can go back home without sometthing for my boy?!!

It dropped to 11 this morning and the hotel heater has had a hard time keeping up! Like most business trips by day 2 I am ready to already go back to comforts of my own bed lol.

Its amazing to see a country of billion people get so offended by a couple of politicians from a small group of islands that they have started a full blown defense of the dear leader and country. Its even more disappointing to see some of your childhood heroes like Sachin Tendulkar becoming stooges of the government and jumping in to defend dear leader so quickly. Like jeez, just grow up - look at Maldives and its size and look at yours.

Really liked reading this book about a lonely woman; Lahiri is such a masterful observer of everyday things. Finished reading: Whereabouts: A novel by Jhumpa Lahiri 📚

Gotta love the sun, gotta love the sun! oh Denver gotta love all the Sun.

My first observation of Denver is where the fuck are the trees?! After settling in VA for so long it feels very weird to be in a city that literally seems to have no trees at all. I dont know why I expected Denver to be super green and full of trees - i mean it makes sense now, but i was not prepared for it.

At that age where comfort trumps style. Check into hotel and I was upgraded to a suite. Was told it’s a nice quiet suite - go up to third floor and the suite is indeed grand and opens directly to view of downtown Denver. Only problem is I am frigging light sleeper so I can hear every car and bus on the street. Go back down immediately and say I don’t care about views I need a quiet room. I was put back into a standard room with a view of the alley in the back of the hotel — and I am OVERJOYED! I can’t hear any noise from street and this is as quiet as it can get. Fuck the views I am too old for that shit. Give me comfort any day.

Hello Denver. I have transited through this airport so many times but this will be a first to spend a few days for work here. Of course the weather is so cold I am not planning on doing anything except work and back to hotel, clubbed with team events. The one week we are it’s just horrid cold, but the next week is even worse so small mercies I guess!

Three of Us, 2022 - ★★★

After reading raving reviews of the movie our expectations were too high from this movie; unfortunately didn’t meet the hype. Way too artsy noiry.

Domestic travel within United States infuriates me. Why is getting to anywhere so expensive? To travel to Arizona in March during spring break the average price for a 1 stop flight from DC is 800$ in basic economy for one person! I might as well just fly internationally to places in Mexico, South America or even Europe for that kind of money. Look I want to explore the beauty of my own country but I ain’t paying international flight ticket prices to travel domestic. Might as well check off international destinations at this price.