How can we keep running out of money for Ukraine war? I honestly have no idea how or where 80 billion dollars were spent and the government is again back to saying need more money. Would be nice to know how its actually spent and by whom? 80 billion is a LOT of fucking money to be spent, but eh, what do I know I guess?

Is it me or it takes forever for a post to publish on micro? kinda reminds me of my college project where each publish took a minute.

Today morning we had the last of the inspections pass and close out with the county, and it turned out to be a sham. Thats ok, coz the 4 out of 5 inspectors who came by really did their jobs sincerely while the last one seemed like he was here to tick off the boxes. That said the last one was also the most bizarre and unnecessary so maybe even he knew what a farce it was. The issue was that to approve the range hood install, the county needs a air inlet from outside to compensate for all the air that’s sucked in. This is for safety but just ridiculous. We are in a single family home, with 10 windows in the living room now and more than 1000 sqft footprint. There is no scenario so much air would be sucked in that we would be left gasping for air. Plus, hello, we can open windows and doors in 2 seconds if need be. This was such a wasted exercise that everyone knows that once inspection passes, most ppl simply disconnect the air inlet and close off the ceiling! Not like it will ever be checked again.

The kid hoped to qualify for finals last night but didnt; today she felt she wouldn’t qualify and we were making plans for evening but she did. Now I am here till at least 8 till her race. My goodness these swim meets can just go on and on!

Hazelnut in Coffee doesnt taste as bad as i thought it would. Thats it. Thats the post.

I think America’s greatest gift to the world is flavored yogurt. Growing up in India, yogurt was a staple food, but you either had it with rice or as part of a savory drink or daal. Occasionally with sugar also. But never in a million years was there a thought about mixing fruits and yogurt, something I discovered only after moving here. And now I love it. So yes this is USA’s greatest gift to the world!

I am beginning to feel maybe it may not be a bad idea to invest in a property in Bangalore next year in anticipation that we may indeed need to move out or leave the country in anticipation of this country turning into a hellhole with republicans controlling the entire trifecta. Sometimes I wonder why we have delayed it so far to begin with lol. A backup option is always good!

I sincerely hope rajaji wins this one, coz with a name like that you cannot effing lose!

Last evening met a few people and the conversation turned to politics. Apparently Biden is so frigging old at 82, stuttering and falling down all the time, while Trump at 78 is a husky like goofball of energy so its clear Trump will win again. Look I have no problem with you saying you don’t like some of Biden’s policies or achievements, but please, can you fucking stop using his age as an excuse, especially if his opponent is 78 year old mentally unstable man? Like, please?

Day 4 of this excruciatingly long swim meet. Luckily this is one of the two major meets of the year and I am happy to see it in rear view mirror after today. Plus all other venues are a decent drive that don’t need us to drive on the highway from hell, so even if they are longer, at least the commute is tolerable.

The Great British Bake-off has remained our family favorite series for years together and this season was no different. I love the simplicity of this show - there are no crazy twists and turns, the judges as well as contestants are just nice people, and always diverse and the show is uncomplicated. This seasons winner was such a nice down to earth guy that even if you didn’t think he deserved it, you still felt great he won and backed him. Kudos to the show runners for featuring people like these who you feel good for and can get behind. Honestly anyone of the final three was a great choice but the winner was probably one of the nicest chaps this show has ever featured.

Oh Lordy it only took 75 minutes to get home today - small mercies compared to other 2 days. It should normally not take more than 35-37 minutes but I will take this!

I have been putting of writing performance reviews of a huge bunch of people and now have the found the right time to get done with this mundane and useless task. Between races at swim meet I have enough time to get these done coz watching 200 other kids swim before your own is even more excruciating!

Day 3 of swim meet and because its a weekend the participation is almost double. This is going to be another long day. I am ok with it as long as the drive back home is not a wreck!

The most underrated but stunningly well done shoe on television these days: Slow Horses

My daughter uses my music account connected to Alexa and all - naturally my replay stats for this year are completely biased.

I thought driving on Friday would be easier since most folks just wfh including government employees - but it rained - and it took me 2 hours and 45 minutes to cover a distance of 25 miles from college park to my home. Utterly exhausted with the nonsense - I truly hate driving around the capital beltway. Two more days of this but hopefully weekend makes driving tolerable - one can hope!

Normal people’s obsession with Musk is something I dont get, especially after going through the Trump years and still going through it. Like what about these assholes makes normal people get so worked up that they are constantly talking about them nonstop, analyzing and dissecting their every action or statement they make, and then give them benefit of doubt like is he sick?, is he unwell?, he needs treatment, giving them the benefit of doubt that somehow all their actions could be tied to he is sick.

No you stupid peeps, neither Musk or Trump is sick. They are so rich that even a twitch in their thumbs likely calls for major health checkups and you are telling me they are so mentally unwell that they have no idea? not a chance. This is who they are. Stop giving them the coverage and conversation they so desire. Stop treating Trump and Musk like people who are so unwell they don’t know what they are doing and spiraling. No, the spiraling IS the act. Just fucking ignore what they have to say. I am seriously concerned that normal populace is now so obsessed with these narcissists that they themselves are turning into one.

Ok I honestly was expecting to be more excited after watching Furioda trailer but felt let down.