I searched for “mood” in my google photos library and this was the photo that came up. Pretty appropriate!
This is my second stint as a people manager in the last couple of years. One was at the startup, and now again in this big ass company. Profile wise the charter of both teams was the same, so people in team are almost alike. My take is men are far more easier to manage than women. It was true at the startup and its proving true here as well. I spend double the time managing the women in my team than the men. Its rather idiotic because the women in team are actually far, far, far better at their jobs than the men, but every one of them demands way more individual attention than men. On the flip side men tend to lose focus and get astray way more than women. Women are hyper focussed on a task and see it through completion. With men things often just fall through the cracks and the expectations often are “this is normal” (no, its not). That said, its way easier to be blunt with them and tell them they fucked up than women where you have tiptoe a very thin line because you don’t want to come across as offensive.
Anatomy of a Fall, 2023 - ★★★★½
Oh wow this was a terrific court drama! I was half expecting to be slow noirish boring movie but this was riveting watch.
I am truly beginning to believe that Americans (read mostly white) secretly do want Trump to win back presidency this year. They absolutely do want Trump to destroy democracy as we know it. And then assuming there are elections (if, that is), the same Americans (read mostly white) want to swoop in and save the day, thereby telling rest of the world how awesome they are that they saved the the country from brink of disaster, yet again. I get a feeling a sizeable majority of people are actually thinking that they can enact the white savior syndrome in reality. I hope i am wrong.
The best advice my manager gave me this morning (who knew managers could do that?) was in a workplace conflict the moment you say “I”, the conflict becomes about you! So much truth to unpack there.
If I need a dictionary to understand the theme word for photo challenge I probably have nothing to share lol.
In other news yesterday our AC cranked. The absolute shite of a unit we have conks out both in summer and winter. To think the previous owner put a 2021 model in this house. Anyhoo, the HVAC guy comes in today and says the last guy who came to fix in January did the wrong thing; that guy told us our system was a 2-stage system that was “misconfigured” as a 1-stage system and hence it wasn’t heating enough. Today, the technician says, well setting it as a 2-stage system is putting a lot of pressure on the system because its an oversized system for our house and we don’t have enough air movers. So best thing to do is, well, you guessed it, set it back to 1-stage system. He also did some other stuff and now is very confident (just like the previous guy) that they’ve fixed this once and for all and henceforth all my HVAC issues should be resolved! We’ll see in 3 months about that. Glad I dont have to pay for any of this shit. This HVAC has been a nightmare and I am probably 2 steps away from replacing it entirely!
small puppy.
Saw first episode of fallout and don’t feel like seeing the rest. Does it actually get better?
Grilling season has officially begun
The great pollening has commenced in our area and will last the next one month. Luckily we are not allergic to pollen much (though we do have slight allergy). When the weather is beautiful we are fighting against the pollen to enjoy time on the deck. Also, we got a new grill few days ago so today will officially be start of grilling season for us. Something I have been looking forward to for a while!
I call it the middle finger cactus.
Well, everyone happy they got their World War III? I am sure Israel is happy, Iran is happy, the USA is happy and everyone else who wanted the war.
Why does it take so frigging long for posts to show up after you have posted them via iOS app? The delay is so strange! @help
After more than two years Cole studio Pakistan is coming out with season 15 on Monday! I hope it’s worth the wait after the spectacular season 14. For a while I thought they just canceled it but glad to hear it’s coming back after a long break!
Amar Singh Chamkila, 2024 - ★★★★½
What a devastatingly beautiful biopic of Chamkila. Imtiaz Ali is in top form here supported an excellent soundtrack as well terrific performances across the board. Probably one of the finest biopics out of India this! This is how you do Biopics, Bollywood!
Shogun is still a great watch but definitely get a feeling maybe it went two episodes two long. I think we had just moved to last two episodes by this point would’ve been more impactful. They should’ve restrained it to 8 episodes.
Crimson sky. July 4th fireworks on a cloudy evening nearby Jefferson memorial.
Growing up in 90s India, taking the long distance train to anywhere was the norm. I have taken trains all over the world but nothing can compare to the magic and nostalgia of traveling second class compartment of an Indian train!
Lets leave abortion to the states seems like a great way to address abortion issue, as Arizona has proven.
I have a better solution, yes, hear me out men - How about we leave abortion to women and stay out of it all-together?