Even this headline makes me so sick. Shame on you Netanyahu.

Happy Halloween!

I think I can get behind so elegant so beautiful just looking like a wow bandwagon.

This is truly scary. On one hand I am like wow so cool, I might not even need to carry my camera/phone anywhere at all if I can just generate this on the fly, and on the other hand where does reality end and new one begins? We are in for an interesting time where we have no idea what we are seeing is real anymore or not.

Looking at pictures my brother is sending me feels like his community in Bangalore is celebrating Halloween way more bigger and grand than our community here. Frankly I often feel like Halloween is sorta dying out here in the burbs but trust India to take something from somewhere else and make it their own (I love it btw!).

At this point I am rooting for Afghanistan to be in the semis. What an exemplary show of cricket by them, and who would’ve thought they along with Netherlands would be the teams to watch for! Afghanistan in particular has been such a revelation. Big IPL contracts incoming guaranteed for their players next year.

The early voting turnout in Virginia is lower than 2022 and almost 1/3rd lower than 2021. This is boding really bad for Democrats, but I guess Northern Virginia can’t be bothered to vote next Tuesday coz it will be colder than normal and how can young people handle that? Youngkin has gone on air and said if GOP wins next week, abortion ban is next. I just hope democrats show up.

England really wants to go home quickly don’t they? Cant believe they won the WC 4 years ago only to crash out like this. And wow bowling performance by India. I really hope they have not already peaked!

Sorry, but Israel is a terrorist state. Let’s just get comfortable calling them so. Just like we know that Taliban, the government of Afghanistan do not represent the regular people, so is Israel. This is a government this is fully emboldened by the west to do whatever they please at this point and we are all contributing to enabling a terrorist state.

We’ve been watching modern family with the kid since a few days and I sincerely forgot how good this series was in its earlier seasons.

northern Virginia’s fame second summer after fall-1 in full display this weekend. Next week it will be spring-4 before we go back to fall-2

Our house was built in 1978 and I now that Joe was responsible for the fireplace

Nicely done Australia New Zealand - phew finally life coming back to the World Cup! These are the matches we need! What an effort by New Zealand!

Best Halloween decoration in our neighborhood. Expand to read the signs.

The flooring went in today and I must say it looks far better than we thought it would and looks even better than when we saw it in the showroom. I can’t explain the relief!

So you want to move to Europe eh? I may have grievances against USA but I’d rather live here than anywhere else (except India of course!) — ‘No-go zones’: Why Denmark is demolishing ‘non-Western’ neighborhoods - Times of India

Its amazing that the killer has still not been caught. I am sure the police would’ve been far more aggressive and intentional if it was a person of color who was the murderer. Heck I am willing to bet the entirety of reddit would be looking for him. But nah, our murderer dude only has mental health issues and needs to be handled with care & nuance, got it!

Fall 2023 has been largely disappointing so far but on the other hand almost 80 degrees end of October is very very welcome and refreshing. Hopefully its sign of things to come and its a nice warm winter!

The first half of this cricket world cup has been one of the most boring world cups ever. Andrew puts its best in Dear World Cup, please be more exciting, please?:

Part of the World Cup’s damp squibbing so far is down to the everybody-plays-everybody format, which in this version is imparting exactly the kind of soullessness that had to have hung thick in the boardroom where this tournament structure was designed. The thinking was this: if India - and to a lesser extent Australia and England - could play nine matches guaranteed, the tournament would reap much greater profits (and what are fripperies such as an inclusive spirit, and opportunity to meaningfully expand the game, against the tractor-beam pull of making fat stacks on stacks?).

If it feels like this tournament hasn’t quite taken off yet, though that is partly a consequence of its design. The best sporting drama arises organically, such as in that 2019 World Cup final, of course, but occasionally it must also be manufactured.

Kaala Paani (Dark Water) was such a disappointment after setting up the series so well; after an ok-ish start the series really comes together as an edge-of-seat thriller right uptill the penultimate episode. And then it all falls apart in the finale; its like till episode 6 the makers were convinced this would work as a mini series until someone had a tubelight moment and decided they could potentially conceive another season out of it. The result is so much stupidity and drag in the finale that it just ruins everything that leads to it. I just wish they had settled on making it a mini series and ended it; would’ve been a very very watchable series coming out of India. No interest in scientific or linguistic accuracy of the series; it was entertaining and held our interest.