Kaala Paani (Dark Water) was such a disappointment after setting up the series so well; after an ok-ish start the series really comes together as an edge-of-seat thriller right uptill the penultimate episode. And then it all falls apart in the finale; its like till episode 6 the makers were convinced this would work as a mini series until someone had a tubelight moment and decided they could potentially conceive another season out of it. The result is so much stupidity and drag in the finale that it just ruins everything that leads to it. I just wish they had settled on making it a mini series and ended it; would’ve been a very very watchable series coming out of India. No interest in scientific or linguistic accuracy of the series; it was entertaining and held our interest.

Like all other big companies my company also runs a PAC that employees can join and contribute. I was invited to join with a suggested per paycheck contribution. One look at the candidates the company has contributed to and I am like nope not happening. Now to be fair the company contributes to both party candidates, sure, but in 2023 one party is literally the party of abhorrent rotten trash and I cannot see a penny of my money in their pockets! And since I don’t get a choice where my penny goes, I shall keep it and contribute directly.

Man had been a while since I brushed up my thoughts and prayers skills - most republicans today.

I swear I went to Costco with a plan to buy exactly three things but I really have no idea how I came out with a cart full of stuff and a bill of 250$. And the strange part is nothing felt like unnecesssry shopping while I was in there!

Nothing would be more exciting than a New Zealand - South Africa final. Either of the team deserves to win!

I totally approve this.

Started watching Kaala Paani on Netflix. A predictable post pandemic series but holds interest. So far 3 episodes in but ok timepass show.

Vivek Agnihotri announces new film ‘Parva’, a ‘historical recounting of Mahabharata’ - The Hindu

This upsets me so much because this is literally my favorite book ever and for a nationalist asshole to make a movie out of this is absolutely shameful. I can already say it will be tragically bad. Just read the book instead which is a masterpiece.

I love how all real estate agents went from Buy now coz interest rates are low! to High interest rates is the BEST time to buy because soon interest rates will drop and you can refinance while other suckers pay even more. There is this whole industry of people who seem to be thinking interest rates will somehow drop back to 2-3% very soon.

While the ad itself looks very petty and very self aggrandizing, the stats are incredible however. 43 million concurrent live streams is an incredible feat of engineering and power of the “cloud”. No matter how you slice this dice, its a huge accomplishment - and also a good reminder why companies are betting on India so much; the scale that India gives you is nowhere (well except, China of course!).

Gotta feel it for the Pakistanis playing in a hostile land, but man you gotta give it all to Afghanistan! What a win.

The contractors asked for wifi password. I was about to share my home network password when I realized I should actually be creating a guest wifi and sharing that password instead. Phew!

At that stage of kitchen renovation where our entire first floor is uninhabitable; on the other hand light at end of the tunnel finally because the next part is literally putting it all back together, which should, technically be faster perhaps.

A pet peeve of mine is when every Halloween some or the other parent on our HOA facebook group decides to educate us and tell us why we should be careful about the candies we give out on halloween and why we must be aware of how some kids might be allergic to XYZ and, how we should keep only allergy friendly candies and all. Here’s the thing: Its your FUCKING kid. There are two options here: Walk with your kid if they are young and ensure a) they either get the right candy or b) review all candies before your kid decides to eat some, or, if you are kids are old enough they should fucking know which candies to pick.

It is NOT my fucking responsibility to be responsible for your kid! Just super super annoying.

My fridge notifies me on app that the door is open but does not bother to tell me when it’s closed. The result is a deafening suspense to figure out if someone did close the fridge door or not coz I’d never know! Why do they design app like this? It should be enough to put a rule that says if someone is notified that their fridge door is open too long then also notify if someone closes it!

Seeing the precision with which India is playing this World Cup it truly is theirs to lose. It’s been a while the Indian team is this complete and composed on the field. Like they would have to do stupid things and opposition do some great things from here on to deny India. Of course India being India also capable of collapsing the one day they shouldn’t.

India really wants to make a match out of what should be winnable match. Not impressed with last few overs - like just get done with this. Kohli really wants that century doesn’t he?

Our extended springy fall continues! No complaints whatsoever.

This India New Zealand match is going to go down to wire it feels like. Honestly this could be the finals if both the teams keep their winning pace.

Old Dads, 2023 - ★★★

Was hoping it would be far funnier than what it was.