One of the things I love about cricket is how minutia of weather affects the game completely. Dew, humidity, dryness, rain - almost every weather variable can play a big role in outcome of the match. This is not something I see in very many sports, at all.

Last night we visited a desi neighbors house in community for a get together. The couple have livedd in community for two decades and decided to remodel their entire home 2 years ago which took a year to complete. Last night all of us were given a tour of their new home and it was just astoundingly well donee. Their floor plan and our floor plans are the same but they reimagined every floor and redesigned the space and the way they redesigned it was so stunning and so well done I am now like ugh I hate my kitchen remodel lol.

Woke up to South African carnage. England is going to suffer. They will have to pull something special to win this.

The traffic is so jam packed everywhere today I miss the early days of waning pandemic!

I want to see Killers of the flower moon but at run time of 3 hours 26 minutes I am just going to wait for it to stream on Apple TV. I couldn’t sit through The Irishman even on Netflix and it took me 2 attempts before I gave up for good and stopped watching it. Killers looks a LOT more better, but still gonna wait this out.

Where does USA find so much money from to keep giving billions and billions in aid to countries at war? Like they talk about 100, 200 billion dollars like chump change. Wait, I know its already coming from my tax payers money, but what is in it for my community?

I honestly think Pakistan wants to go back home as soon as possible. I feel for them though if they are feeling that.

Why is every character on The Morning Show so glum? Its like the writers got into a room and asked each other, how do we suck the life out of every major & minor character there is and put them all into one show? The result is The Morning Show, which unlike its name doesn’t have one sunny character. Everyone is just so miserable all the time, and its not even misery like characters of Succession where you reveled in their misery; no, the characters here just so overburdened and so overcomplicated with themselves its hard to endure on screen. This is a show try as you might you cannot binge watch because if you did you’ll have an existential crisis for rest of the week!

As if on cue lol cc: @parag

On walk today a loose leashed pitbull lashed at me and doggo; the doggo scrambled behind me while the pitbull tried to go after him and eventually trapping me with his leash. I had a nice nasty fall on the trail while the pitbull’s owner yelled and yanked him away. Pitbulls are a fucking disgrace. Euthanize this breed already! I dont care how anyone says they are the best dogs; nope they arent. They are unpredictable and fucking strong dogs that can kill you. If you cannot handle a pitbull please do not get one. Or better yet, lets just make this specific breed extinct.

I am so not a morning person. Had to wake up at 6am and set alarm appropriately; slept early because I had to wake up early. The fact that I had to wake up early was etched in my brain so hard I woke up at 4 and never went back to sleep. Now I am a wreck and its not even 9am. Every single fucking time. I already know how my rest of day will go as well and it won’t get any better from here.

Disappointing supreme court verdict in India on same sex marriage legalization; after a string of forward looking progressive rulings it felt like the Indian supreme court would take this one up as well. Hopefully though it gets a chance again in future.

The amount of people who’ve fallen sick post the offsite last week has been interesting; its like a super spreader event happened in the course of last week. The most common sentiment in our messaging channels expressed - should’ve taken the booster before the trip. I am still doing fine so either the vaccine has done its job, which is 99% likely because I timed my shot 10 days before trip OR, I am waiting to develop symptoms. Either way, if you haven’t gotten the booster yet, just fucking get it.

Tipping culture in USA is going so out of hand I won’t be surprised if very soon air host/hostess and pilots go around the cabins mid-flight with a tip jar in their hands.

Oodi baba, a colleague of mine that I spent a good amount of time with at last week’s launch is down with Covid. This was a natural risk pretty much entire team took by getting together for launch. Thankfully I didnt spend that much time either. That said, will test myself anyway, though no symptoms yet right now. I guess it was a wise decision to time the Covid booster 10 days before the trip began so hopefully my antibodies are in their prime.

Cirque de soleil runs a resident show here in Tysons every summer to early fall. They change their shows every year and we finally caught Echo this year which was well reviewed. The show was well worth every penny and was definitely one of the best ones we’ve seen in a while. A few shots from the show.

I really feel conflicted about Afghanistan playing cricket anymore knowing they have some really good players. On one hand I am like just like Russia is banned from most sports today or how South Africa was banned during apartheid era, I don’t see why Afghanistan should not be banned either because of their Taliban government, but then on other hand I empathize with them that they need to deal with terrorist government and maybe cricket is a way out in some way. Still very conflicting, but what a good bunch of players.

A lot of people think dual dishwashers in kitchen are a Instagram show off idea but I am beginning to think it’s genius if space allows it. Think of it, you probably only ever use what can fit in 1 dishwasher on a daily basis much less 2 - so if you have 2 of them, you can basically double your storage for utensils and never have to worry about putting more cabinets again. Keep rotating between the two dishwashers and you never once will need to store any of your kitchen stuff anywhere else. It really is genius!

Polite Society, 2023 - ★

Couldn't even get past half of this movie. Sadly the movie begins so well but it just becomes more and more mediocre as it progresses.

Channeling his inner Swiftie