Through the glass pane.

OMG2 tackles a bold subject of masturbation and sex education in schools and really loved the progressive take of the movie but why did it have to be so hammy. Plus pankaj mishra’s over acting ruins what could have been a great movie. Still surprised by how bold it was for Indian standards.

Is it just me or Lyft as a company seems to have just died? I remember it being a fierce competitor to Uber a few years ago but now it’s nowhere to be seen. Even in major cities likee here the wait time is well over 10 minutes on an average which is ridiculous.

India has made a match out of this Australia match and I am here for it. Well done Australia, but wish the total was a bit higher. Thst said I still think India should pull through if they keep their existing wickets.

Khufiya was quite lame. Starts of well and just becomes a chore in second half. Vishal Bharadwaj is well past his prime at this point and it shows.

The last two weeks have been tough and draining, but I am also glad that we’ve all pulled through and have been available for our friends nonstop and been with them most of the times we could spend.

The kid has successfully turned me into a swiftie. Now we both sing along in car drives!

My prediction is that in a decade or less manual point & shoot or SLR cameras are going to come back in fashion because those will be the only cameras left that capture any sense of reality. Practically everything else will be fake, AI fixed and adjusted and completely unauthentic.

One of the annoying things about these home renovation projects is the contractor timelines. Its been almost a month since our kitchen renovation has started, and the contractors must have put in a total of 8-10 days work maximum. Rest of the time is either waiting on the county to come do an inspection or waiting on architect to verify his calculations on support beams. The thing is, when they do work, they are super optimized about it. If they want to, they can finish the entire kitchen within a week guaranteed. I keep telling the contractor, like just send 10 people over from your team for a week and get this over with! You get a full lump sum payment from me, I am happy, you are happy, job’s done and you can move to next. But no, this has to turn into an elongated multi month process just because. And its not just them, this is literally any home contractors now. Like surely you’d have figured this out? Or maybe they do and I dont know why this elongated schedule exists.

By now if I was smart enough I would move out of Arconia. Also an excellent season finale for Only Murders. This has quickly become the best show on TV hasn’t it?

I am finally beginning to see price drops on houses all around our area. I dont know if this is a sign of high interest rates finally catching up and dampening the market or its just a fall-winter syndrome.

Oh so we are already at that stage of news cycle where democrats are to be blamed for republican chaos in the house? Everything is a fucking democrat problem isnt it, while petulant pricks get to bully and jerk around as they place because they are republicans.

The amount of construction noise upstairs is giving me the shivers. A major part being done today. We have two support posts and are getting rid of one. To get rid of one we need to distribute the load through other beams by adding support. All of this is giving me the chills - like jee what if they do one thing wrong? These guys build houses so I am sure they know what they are doing but I am the one in basement waiting for apocalypse it feels like!

Nothing is more upsetting than visiting a funeral/cremation home, and an app on your phone tracks the location. Fuck you slickdeals for suggesting I might be interested in a deal on a funeral casket. No really, just fuck you.

I am planning on joining our HOA next year because I want to see how I can influence decisions around landscaping and trees in our neighborhood. Ours is a late 70s early 80s build neighborhood with a lot of houses in wooded settings while many out of them, ours being one of them. Many of the owners who are living here from 80s have left the growth unchecked and now we have 100ft+ trees scattered all over the around the community - which is amazing tbh as long as they are not next to your house. They provide shade in summer and fall looks amazing here. But at the same time with climate change realities the proximity of some of these trees is actually a risk. Incessant rains and winds cause many a tree branches to break and fall in backyards - and given how close they are to houses the threat of damage to houses is very real. I want the HOA to rule that all trees within X feet of property should be trimmed to a certain height that reduces the threat of bad damage to their own or neighbors house. Winds, rains and natural events are only going to get worse and if the old families in our neighborhood don’t grow up they risk serious threat to property and also property values. Trees have their place but it’s certainly not 5 feet from your house.

I randomly went down the rabbit hole of my own blog and honestly feel I wrote the best during the 2011-13 years; all my writing was pure heart and nothing else - whether it was to express sadness about mom or posts of joy about the kid, everything felt like it came from the heart. I have to say the tonal change of posts in the last few years really feels like I’ve become old & matured, but its not that same heart anymore in writing. I don’t know how to explain it other than saying it reads like a… chore.

Flu and Covid vaccinations done just in time for a work trip. Given the rise in cases everywhere I was a bit worried about this but glad to have this done and over with for this year! Also its Oct 1 already but I strangely still feel we are still in late summer mode. Reality will kick in by end of this month I suppose.

If we are lucky maybe the last lawn mowing of the season?

I cant' believe I am updating software for a fucking bulb. BULB! Jesus it has one job in the word, what the fuck does it need an update for?

A few folks in community have already put out Halloween displays that cover their entire front lawns and more. I actually love it, but also so much enthusiasm people have to put up so much decor more than a month in advance. I took out our pithy skeleton and hung it out coz why should we be left behind.