Day 13: Glowing. DC area has some of the best sunrises and sunsets in the country, full stop. On this particular day we were driving to the airport to drop my SIL, and the sky was so dramatic at the horizon it felt like we were driving straight into event horizon!

Va. Dem. House candidate performed sex online with husband for tips

And there goes the election. What the fuck? Even as a democrat I wouldn’t vote for her. Sorry you can be on porno sites all you want and is your right but you ain’t earning my vote with that.

After 4 years of panic it was a welcome relief. I had to take a picture of this moment on TV because that day my blood pressure dropped significantly for a few hours.

The kid really wanted to watch Dunkirk over the weekend. I’ve only seen this movie once in theatre when it came out coz it was Nolan worship. I remember liking the movie but not being enthusiastic about it. On second viewing with kid past weekend, I honestly feel the movie is actually pretty sub-par and perhaps the weakest movie Nolan has made. Even at less than 2 hours, the movie is a chore, following it is hard, and there is absolutely no character development of any sort. It basically served as a vehicle for Nolan to showcase his craft, but there was literally nothing holding the story together. Even the 5 minute single take scene from Atonement was more powerful than entirety of Dunkirk was.

It’s that day of the year I promise myself no yearly iPhone updates and then I see the camera improvements year over year and go never mind I might as well upgrade!

Dear Brad and Julie, you didn’t downsize, you just went from a McMansion to a large home!

This afternoon Hobbes wanted to go out for his break, so I let him out and quickly was distracted with my meeting. My daughter came home, and she didnt call him either coz she was hungry and hunting for food. Turns out the doggo had let himself out from the opened fence and chilling in front yard. When A came home, he escorted her back home inside. Gotta love my needy dog that does not have enthusiasm to run away from home and go exploring!

Now that we’ve done many renovations at this point we know how to temper our expectations accordingly. So by mid afternoon when they had already thrown out all the cabinets and ripped the wall, we know better what to expect. The demolition part of a renovation is the easiest part. Its the part that comes next is when it will start going on and on. So yeah. In for the long haul!

Day 11: retrospect. In retrospect, the most formative years of my life were spent in this school, and I am thankful for this; I am what I am because of this place. It also reminds me of an India where we were truly secular. While a catholic institution (with staff from international jesuit societies), the majority of kids were actually Hindu, followed by Christians and Muslims. None of us had any issues joining the catholic mass each morning even though it was not mandated we do; we all sang the same songs on Independence days for India; We shared lunches with each other not bothering what our caste and religion was. The school changed much afterwards - towards 2000s it went from being all boys school (except 11/12th grade) to a co-ed school, they closed down the indoor zoo and pool that elementary kids used, and cut down inter school competitions after a father left. Now given the ultra nationalist Hindu sentiment in India, this is labeled as a “Christian” school that only gives admissions to poor or dalit people wishing to convert to christianity. It has lost its luster not because it has done anything bad, its just that its a catholic school. And its so disappointing. I am just glad I attended this school when I did - I will always remain a Xavierite at heart.

First day of kitchen reno starts today. Putting this here as a note for myself to see how many months its going to take to get back to normalcy. In all fairness we knew coming into this house we had to do the kitchen reno for it to be the way A likes it. (Why didnt we just buy an updated house to begin with? different story). We didnt want to wait it out for a while and wanted to just get done with this. This is the last of our updates for a while, most likely forever at this point. So yeah, I am looking forward to seeing this done in a couple of months (if we get lucky!) and start enjoying it.

Todays mood is: Unimpressed with everything.

He is stuck at home, basically.

Which bright butterfly’s idea was it to host Asia cup in Sri Lanka during peak monsoon season. What bunch of idiots.

Day 9: cycle. I have way too many pictures of cycles, but this reminds me of one of our favorite trips.

Everytime I hear chariots of fire I remember Khoob Bhari Maang.

When it comes time for college I would never encourage my girl to apply anywhere in that shit state and now even more so. Board of Governors for Florida’s public universities votes to approve new CLT college entrance exam | CNN

Day 9: language. Taken in 2019 and can’t be even more truer today.

It’s incredible the deluge of polls that have suddenly emerged about Biden’s age and how that’s a problem. At just 3 years younger I guess Trump is a youthful bundle of joy that everyone can get behind right? I don’t care if Biden is in a wheel chair and in 90s I will vote for him over any repulsive shit spewing from the “conservative” party.

Isn’t it the whole fucking point of g20 meet? What else was he going to do? Serve chai to all the visiting head of states?

I am really struggling with purchasing Apple One vs individual subscriptions and justifying cost differences. I already have the 2TB (10 bucks a month plan) for my iCloud storage. I had 6 months free of Apple Music through Verizon thats come to an end. I had free Apple TV+ also thats come to an end recently. On one hand, going for the premium Apple One subscription (33 bucks a month) seems to make sense - I get 2TB storage, family music subscription and Apple TV+ which are of main interest - and then news thrown in though its kind of useless for me. On the other hand if I buy the individual apple music and apple tv+ subscription i will end up spending 26-27 bucks a month anyway. Its ridic how expensive apple services packages are on a per month basis.

I don’t know whats the best path ahead at this time. I am stuck to the 2TB plan coz storage and there is no 1TB plan that apple offers for say 5bucks a month which would’ve been perfect! Apple music is an ideal choice to stay within ecosystem (though Spotify is better I hate the company for its shitty policies). Feels like no matter what I am spending 20 bucks a month on Apple services which feels a little ridiculous! I like Apple TV+ but I think i need to get better about canceling it as soon as shows end (in today’s case it would be Foundation - yeah yeah i am still stuck to it).