Pakistan made a match out of what should have been a one sided match they should have dominated. What a pace attack ooof!

Also congrats to ISRO on the Aditya-L1 sun mission launch right on heels of lunar landing! I can’t wait for day when India launches its own James Webb built at fraction of cost and just as good. It’s gonna happen for sure.

This Indian cricket top order is a joke. Cmon Kohli / Sharma - pls don’t do what scores of other Indian players did before you. Retire before you are shamed into it. It’s clear neither of these two players should play anything beyond t20s and maybe tests for Kohli but at least just accept it.

Does this qualify as abstract enough?

Biggs, the domestic terrorist was finally successful in owning the libs. So much so he gets 17 years to enjoy his sweet hard earned victory.

Kids in high school dress weird. I am sure I was the same way. But what nonsense is wearing dark sunglasses at night?!

Omg it’s only the first quarter of a game that began 30 mins ago 😱😭. This is going to be a very long Thursday!

I have no interest in any form of American football, college or NFL. But thanks to the kid, I am going to see my first football game - her future high school against another high school team. Why am I going to go through this torture? coz she made plans with her friends to watch the game and cheer for future team. Ugggh. Grrr.

As part of her creative writing course the kid had to take a reading/writing exam and apparently she leveled as a 12th grader. Well she better write a novella then! She’s already ready with her October spooky story and it will be to die for it seems. Shudder.

Absolutely delightful days coming up. Oooooffff! 🥰

I dont care and I dont give a shit about Mitch McConnell. He is a vile man and he’s one of the key players who instrumented American civil decay and continues to do so. I hope whatever disease he has accelerates, but doesnt kill him. No, I have zero, I mean zero empathy for an absolute repulsive human like him and I wish him a slow painful decline of himself. He deserves nothing. Not even an iota of empathy. Fuck off.

Nikki Haley keeps saying Biden won’t finish his second term and Kamala will become president, and how we can’t have that!. Like what cant we have exactly? That Biden can’t die before his second term is over? Or that a woman will become president in his place? Or the fact that if he did, heaven forbid, then a woman of black and Indian origin will become president over a cough…. a fake white woman of Indian origin?

On one hand climate change cant come soon enough and sink Florida for good, but on the other hand I dont want the plant and sea ecosystems to die either. The possibility of seeing burmese pythons and alligators in DC area in a few decades is indeed very exciting.

CDC’s first recommendation at beginning of pandemic was…. Don’t wear masks 😂

Conservative groups draw up plan to dismantle the US government and replace it with Trump’s vision - The Washington Post

If this comes to pass we really will start looking for alternatives outside of the USA.

Trying our Arc browser for first time today. Interesting concept.

Imagine a couple of years from now someone develops a music focussed AI bot. This AI bot’s single mission is to create every possible tune there ever can be, ranging from 1 min to 10 mins. Imagine all this AI bot does is create random music pieces forever. In a while this AI could have conceivably compose every single piece of music there was and will be in future. Now Sony music comes along, acquires this music bot and thereby acquires every single piece of music that will ever be written again in future. This is not actually that futuristic as you think it is, but a very real scenario coming soon to all of us. World’s gonna be fun then!

Is there a safari plugin or chrome plugin that filters out all mentions of a specific “topic” that I chose? For example I am fucking tired of seeing Vivek Ramaswamy every fucking where on the interwebs, so if there is a pluging that you know just hides him away forever from my Internet experience, it would be so nice and much appreciated!

Caught up with s1 of the bear. While good didn’t see anything remotely close to this being succession killer and all. Maybe s2 is dramatically different?

One of the most annoying things about WhatsApp is how it latches on to the ringer sound for notifications and not the actual sound for notifications. The result is that you cannot silence or reduce the sound of WhatsApp notifications with just volume buttons alone - you have to adjust the ringer volume to adjust the notification volume. In essence WhatsApp assumes that their notifications are necessary as phone and forces you to make a choice to silence both phone ringer and WhatsApp if you just want WhatsApp notifications at a lower volume. Just shitty design this by Facebook, but then what to expect. In an ideal world WhatsApp notifications can and should be controlled via sound volume not ringer volume but here we are.