Congratulations ISRO on the moon landing!! Keep shining forever!

Best of luck ISRO, and I am cheering along with millions of other people for Chandrayan-3 landing! ISRO has truly been a gift to India and the scientists deserve all the success they get. Hope they pull it off!

One of the things I really like about is I have no idea who follows me. I wish that they got rid of Following X users you aren’t following too from someone’s profile. On Micro I dont need to follow a ton of people; I can follow just a few people and because their conversations show up on my TL, I can hop in and out of those conversations without feeling the need/urge to follow the second degree connection. I love it because it mimics real life of dropping into a conversation (but you don’t feel the urge to go stalking after!). By removing away even Following X…. it would be even more nicer because I truly wouldn’t even care who my connection follow. Now I still sometimes have that urge to do so.

Pissed off someone who said Barbie is too feminist and that’s why he didn’t like the movie by saying it’s his own insecurities projecting. AITA?

Human beings were not meant to be up by 6:30 or before 7, but here we are.

50s in the morning already ughhh. Summer just hold on another 3 months!

I keep hoping week after week after week that somehow Foundation will turn it on and it just feels like a such drab show all together. At this point I am only following it coz its based on Asimov’s novels, but if they removed that credit I’d probably stop seeing this. So much promise in the show and it just feels exhausting to sit through it.

Some trees in my yard are already turning yellow. Oh hello, we are still very much in summer! Please control the excitement for fall.

Have a colonoscopy scheduled this Friday and the prep work for it is already stressing me out! Not looking forward to liquid diet and a day of “cleansing”.

I always find first day of school and last day of school very bittersweet. The first day of school for me signifies the end of summer and a start of another academic year but your kid is now older. There are new challenges, new schedules and new adjustments to make. At the back of mind I am always like wow, already in X grade. Then at the end of school year I am bittersweet again thinking about how quick the year felt like it passed by. I feel old and I suddenly want the time to go even more slowly coz I can see my butterfly almost ready to come out of the cocoon. One day there will be no more school buses to wait for, no more first or last days of school and I am going to be one sad fucking dad that day. Maybe, just maybe, we should’ve had more kids.

My dog is chilling on the deck while I am goading him to go finish his business and come back so I can leave for work. Like dude, RTO calling, you no longer have the same luxury as before. If you have any questions pls open a ticket against my management!

At the height of it I knew so many people at work who actually had #FreeBritney in their status, stickers and all. These are rational people in high paying jobs who were so absorbed by Britney Spear’s life and her struggle with conservatorship. Even then it was very apparent that she has some major mental health issues going on, and its not a surprise that she’s news constantly now about her downward spiral. I wonder what her rabid supporters are up to now? And just leave her (and us) alone.

This pharmacy in Vienna opened in 1551 and is more than 450 years old. Too bad we couldn’t get pictures from inside but it was so fascinating inside too. The pharmacy was full of extremely old bottles and felt straight out of a movie set. Of course medicines now are dispersed in the way they are now, but still a fascinating look into pharmacy of years ago. We just chanced upon this place. The name roughly translates to Pharmacy of the holy spirit.

First day of school tomorrow, and for middle school the timings change to early morning. This means the kid and us have to be up before 6am so she can get to her buy by 6.45am. The next two years of this are going to be super hard on me specifically coz i am not an early riser, at all.

Meeting up with friends after what feels like forever. Thanks to every family’s summer trips happening at different times we haven’t met since June which is the longest we have gone.

Yesterday was 1 year anniversary of us moving into our new home. I can’t say it was the smoothest or most pleasurable move, but also the amount of things we’ve gotten done in this house over the last year makes me happy that I am not just man of words & whine, but I also have taken action to to make our house better. In the last year, we completely revamped our jungle backyard that we inherited into a nice beautiful lawn with new fences, got rid of a tree that was dangerously close to our house and cutting out sunlight, moved our powder room to a different location in the house, revamped our guest bathroom that was straight out of 80s, and also installed net new windows in our living room to bring outside (& light) in. We also put in a contract for kitchen renovation that will commence next month. Of course, goes without saying I am lucky and privileged to be in this situation. Why didnt we just buy a house then with all of these things in there you ask? The money we are spending/spent all of these renovations would still be less than buying a house with everything we wanted. Northern Virginia market is pretty crazy and I am pretty confident that recouping our investment (& more) will not be a problem in this market at all. Ultimately it boils down to location, location, location! And just like the first time, this time too our house is in an incredible location.

I went through a phase of depression right after buying this house, and went through a lot of buyers remorse and guilt. But I am also glad I’ve not sat around wallowing in pity and did something. The result of all these renos in the past year has made a big difference to my psyche and has made enjoy the house way more than I did last year. Some might say if you gave it time you would’ve just liked it anyway, but i differ, because I know me. Anyway, post this last reno, we are done with anything in the house for a while, and i am looking forward to that!

What a productive fucking Saturday this has been. Got 8 hrs sleep, the doggo got a nice grooming session, I got a haircut, got my car serviced, returned books at library, picked up items from library, vacuumed the house, all before 1.30pm! This is the greatest day ever!

This whole trans bathroom in schools is so ridiculous. Trans kids have so many insecurities already they need a safe space and if majority of them feel girls bathroom is where it is, then so be it. Parents who are worried about boys being perverts and using trans as an excuse to use girls bathrooms should be more worried about fucking pervert boys and schools should simply throw them out. Why do parents feel that if pervert boys are not allowed in girls bathroom they won’t find other ways to snoop? As usual brainless conservatives have found a new issue to harp on and I can bet the white suburban moms have found their new issue to justify their upcoming vote.

10/10 wearher today and showing early glimpses of magnificent Septembers and Octobers here. Time for a good afternoon soak in sun!

The peace on his face makes my heart melt