What can possibly be so exciting about a trash disposal company’s quarterly newsletter?

I love our summer electric bills which come out super low. The big reason being of course, we love warm weather. Our AC in the day is usually set to 77-79, windows/deck doors are usually open and fans on. The AC barely fires during the day for us unless its really really hot and muggy outside. At night, we turn down house to a balmy but nice 74, windows down and fans still on. This is the best phase for my electric bills all year. Of course winters are different story all together, but i guess it evens out through the year.

Apparently Biden wants all federal employees back to office, and by definition that means that his government and a lot of local governments want people back in offices so they can stimulate the office economy. Thats all you need to know about how serious America is about climate crisis. As a leading producer of pollutants in the world, the post pandemic world gave an opportunity to reshape our working culture, rely less on driving inane distances in our cars and improve the environment. Instead what do we do? We want everyone to go back to pre-pandemic days of sitting and idling in our cars in a traffic jam because its somehow local economy. Even the big companies that do so much drama and news about their climate pledges have no qualms asking their employees to be back, because, tax cuts. Its such a shame really.

I can’t believe that Oppenheimer is going to be a bigger box office hit than Interstellar or Inception stateside. Like the movie was good, but jee it comes nowhere close to the incredible scope and expanse of either Interstellar or Inception. I guess folks have really gotten sucked into that Barbie+Oppenheimer marketing. For the record, even Barbie is not such a great movie - enjoyable yes, but I can’t imagine the movie has any repeat value to be such big blockbuster.

A couple of months ago my dad sold several properties, pooled the money together and bought a new home for my brother & his family in India, so they could move to a bigger house and put up their current house on rent as additional stream of income. Since then, we’ve been constantly asked by our well meaning relatives and extended family, What did you get?. Well, we got nothing. It upsets them more than it upsets us. I did not ask for inheritance of any kind from my dad, and I strictly believe its his money to do as he wishes. If he had decided to spend it all on a 5 star luxury cruise around the world for 3 years, I still wouldn’t have said anything. Its his money, he gets to decide what to do with it.

However, what has bothered and upset us is my dad assuming that I still need to finance all his (& my brother’s) trips here. I’ve never had a problem with financing him in particular (though we have financed my brother & his wife when they just started out their careers), but it has never once occurred to him or my brother that hey we’ve had a nice windfall, maybe we keep some of this to finance our own trips and not still expect the older brother to do it all. Things came to a point this trip where I flatly refused to gift a long laundry list of very expensive items that they wanted; I was told I should gift them, and when I just outright refused, they bought it anyway with their own money, leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I am disappointed that my dad is trying to get me to do what he did in his life with his brothers & sisters. I get why he had to be the load bearer of his family in the circumstances he grew up in (& i respect that), but I dont think he realizes that this is a different world now and very different life situations.

Anyway, I am glad I took the first step this year to finally start pushing back on my family. I guess it makes me look selfish & my openness has caught them off guard a bit, but I’ve also realized that I need to be stronger and draw boundaries around myself and my immediate family. I love them, but at the same time I am not a tool. And if that means someone’s gonna be upset about it, so be it.

After the initial 7-10 days post vacation I am back to my 6-7max sleeping hours per night. I def was sick with something because I was getting like 8-10 hrs a night for a good 7-10 days. Anyway I want to do 7-8 hours each night but always seems impossible. I just… wake up.

The kid had a sleepover last night but she doesnt understand that iCloud syncs messages between all her devices. So imagine her surprise when we questioned her today about she & another friend (who was not at sleepover) having a very expletive ridden conversation? Look I get it. I dont expect that my almost teenage kid is not having teenage level convos with her friends, but lol, at least delete your messages kid. I am not going to teach you that of course! On the other hand at least she owned up and admitted she was trading expletives with a boy (of course we assumed it was another girl) who specifically looked her number up to trouble her. Well in that case, kick that nutsack hard, girl!

It’s amazing how many men and boys won’t listen to Taylor Swift and go eewww girl songs. Do you ever hear women and girls saying ewww Ed Sheeran boy songs! Insecurity is in our dna.

So bored already - when are the next indictments due?

200,000 years from now they will discover skulls of what will be classified a new specie of humans, homo-republicans, identified by their minuscule brain with no cerebrum or prefrontal cortex. Scientists will be astonished how such a specie flourished and survived as a civilization with zero brain function.

Happy Independence Day to those who celebrate wherever you are. On this joyous occasion I shall have cereal for breakfast and bhindi for lunch.

Made in heaven season 2 is probably most progressive and bold series to come out of India (or anywhere else!) and I really applaud them for it. I just wish they didn’t pack in so much every episode making each episode exhausting. That said, wow and kudos to prime for backing this and Zoya Akthar for making this. More of this please!

The only place in our entire Europe trip i missed my Nikon wide angle 10-22 lens. iPhone Panorama mode doesnt cut it.

The astronomical clock at the Prague town square. The skeletons come out at 11pm (literally).

Our kitchen reno will finally start in a few weeks and as it gets nearer I am just dreading it. On the other hand this is the last thing we’ll be doing in the house for a long long time, and we are closer to the end than when we started. Still, not looking forward to the disruption its going to cause for a while.

Barbie was good, but it’s the kind of movie we could have enjoyed only in a theater. If this movie was playing on tv we would have skipped it or been like meh.

The hero we all need

Post vacay grass mowing complete. This was pending since 3 weeks and things were resembling a jungle.

It was a hot toasty 92 splendid degrees outside! I don’t want summer to end ever! Though I guess I will take September 80s

Started made in heaven season 2 and so far has been a tiring watch. We had liked the first season a lot but this season seems all over the place. Just the second episode in its 65 minute run deals with trans rights, gay rights, infidelity, divorce, shadow wife and kids, physical and mental abuse, drugs and rehab and parenting. I am like jee pick a couple of things and focus a story on that - trying to weave a story about every fucking issue dilutes all stories and just makes it an exhausting watch.