Honestly though the best part of it all is just walking the old town from top of the hill to the bus station - winding cobblestone alleys, buildings with character and great views - the “Buda” part of Budapest is really something (of course the old town part).

Fisherman’s bastion is too much.

Tomorrow we will spend more time at the Hungarian parliament building. This is probably one third of the building I could capture from front but it’s river view is even more gorgeous. There is absolutely no way you can capture the entire building from street. Hopefully the river cruise tonight will give a good opp to capture this stunning building in glory.

I am sorry but I am simply not going to have enough of this view. What a good place we ended up booking and it was not even that expensive compared to a lot of other places.

The Hungarian parliament building as seen from top of Buda castle.

The Hungarian parliament building is absolutely stunning. No pictures can do justice to seeing it in person. Ooof!

Evening sky over Danube

I am not going to tire of this view of Buda palace from my room.

I have to admit when we pulled into Budapest and checked into our hotel I was not impressed, especially after doing Vienna prior. But as we have spent the day exploring the city and roaming around, the city is beginning to grow on me. While Vienna is outrageous grandeur, Budapest definitely has a old world character of its own, and especially seems to come alive at night. The people seem more, not sure how to say it, but more regular. Also surprised at the immense food diversity here. Looking forward to next couple of days of exploring!

This is the first hot sweltering day we have faced in our entire trip. We can expecting heat waves and it’s been chilly to just brilliant weather everywhere.

I don’t know if I should just sit in my room and admire this view or walk out in the streets.

This train from Vienna to Budapest has such a Indian 2nd class compartment feel, though it’s sitting sears but it’s 6 of em facing each other on side and passage on side. Also countryside between Vienna and Budapest is so boring it makes the 2 and half hours feel like 5.

Off to next destination but not to worry traveling by a train pulled by electric power so you can all relax.

Last evening in Vienna and I have frankly run out of words to describe how stunning this city is. At some pt we even stopped taking pictures because it was like at every nook and corner in city center you just came across an amazing building with character and architecture. The wider than normal roads for bikes and pedestrians, the public transport connectivity, the cleanliness of the city, the food and cafes - this is an absolutely first rate city by every frigging measure. Love love love this city. Next time i need to do a separate extended trip to this city to explore it more!

Absolutely anywhere we go in Austria people are just down to earth and immediately switch to English when they see we don’t speak German. No attitude, no drama just being real nice is all. Unlike fucking French in Paris who think they are god’s gift to mankind and refuse to converse in English even if they understand it. Such a contrast. This is the kind of simple no frills things that elevate a place much higher for me.

Democracy must be renewed every day.

Democracy must be renewed every day.

The st Stephenson cathedral right in the heart of city made for a great last stop with a good workout to climb the south tower. Now rest of day is chilling in cafes drinking beer or coffee and eating desserts. Nicely done by us I just say.

Raising a roast to the almighty from the beautiful confines of my cafe.

An excellent breakfast was just consumed at this place in a quintessential Vienna fashion. Fuck Paris, this is the city that deserves all the praise! Paris feels like an overrated cousin compared to Vienna.