Legs are toast but we have another 6 days of this incoming 🥵🥵😰

I felt like I was in Kim Kardashian’s home but no this is actually an orange garden that’s empty right now coz all the trees are outside for summer. But boy defo Kardashain creepiness feel.

Loved visiting the quaint shops and dinner at Naschmarkt in Vienna. Just rows and rows and rows of little patio restaurants stretching for a kilometer. Also had the best damn food here.

Love the art / style of this menu. Also the best frogging meal of the entire trip so far.

Absolutely love the menu art / style


Man my timeline on micro blog has been taken over by climate change activists or what. The amount of pravachan and passive aggressive posts makes me want to re-examine my follow list, and maybe that’s not a bad thing.


It should be a crime for a city to be this gorgeous

Perfect 10/10 weather to enjoy some splendid views at Schronbern palace

The bloody metro stations look better and cleaner than our airports back home.

All of us misjudged the weather badly and packed a lot of tees and shorts when the weather calls for pants and long tees. It’s not cold, but it’s not really high heat we thought we would get. Not complaining but now need to carry jackets with us at all times. Anyway a day of exploring this stunning city is on the menu. More I read avout vienna, more it just seems like an amazing city all around. Plus the cleanliness - jeez it’s incredible how clean this city is.

This city is breathtaking at every turn.

My goodness Vienna is absolutely fucking stunning!

It’s ok, let’s take a break before taking the next train

Vienna, you fucking stunner!

Well Vienna tell me why you are rated as the best city in the world over and over again.

On a train between Innsbruck and Salzburg

Ok enough America’s bashing. The one thing my country has gotten right by long long margin is the war on smoking. The amount of people that smoke in Europe is nauseating - compared to year after year decline in smoking and how much USA emphasizes smoking as a bad thing it’s actually a huge win. It makes me feel good that I don’t have to worry about enjoying a patio dinner without someone constantly smoking by the side. I dunno where Europe went wrong here but man smoking is truly just every fucking where.

Should have added “Or 2 and ½ Americans” along with 5 persons 😆