The last two days have been outright cold here with days in low 70s and nights in 50s. Wherever that heat wave is, it’s not here. On the plus side 70s makes city roaming pleasant, but nights need jackets. I am ready for some 80s which should happen next few days. In fact looking at weather all of the trip we have managed to skirt the heat wave and will actually have very pleasant weather everywhere.

Day 4 and a new European city beckons. As always public transport between cities and inter cities are so good Uber/taxi is a waste of time.

Food / restaurant prices in the USA, and northern Virginia so high now that we are finding any restaurant in Europe… cheap. It’s ridiculous how much we are paying for food that is also so substandard.

A wonderful musician is playing Ed Sheeran songs in middle of Innsbruck town square and I can’t help thinking back to Ed Sheeran concert avout how he used to play at such places always thinking it would be his next big next thing and how he hoped he would do well. This musician is def getting a good $$$ from us tonight.

My favorite shot from today, shot on cable ride up to highest point of Innsbruck

The hills are alive…..

I love it when shop owners mean business and I don’t have to think one cent to know what they sell.

Oh Innsbruck you beauty! Also love how insanely good bike paths and public connectivity is everywhere here isn’t it? USA completely fucked public transport except for a few places - should have learnt decades back how to do it right.

Weather calls for a washed out rainy day. Had a glimmer of hope lookin at the sun outside the window but now back to gloominess. It’s a rest day for us which is welcome. Not that we will rest completely but still.

This is breathtaking in person!

Hello Austria! Sad to leave Munich behind but whoa Innsbruck! What a beauty you are.

Munich is beautiful! Why am not I moving to Europe already?

Why is food in Europe so flavorful and why is so horrid in America?

Much of this was consumed last night and it as very good

At the second largest Biergarten in the world that houses 6000 seats. The biggest is 8000 seats. This is something else. Oh the beer was great too!

Do you get paid for staying here?

It is time

Second time around in this country at a different city and Germans come across as such nice people and genuine. Really nice and helpful without being showoffy or overdoing it. I really like the people here and I had such wrong impression of them for so long before my first trip here.

Doing it like the locals do. Chilling on grass at the magnificent Olympia park.

I am already in love with Munich and we haven’t even checked into the hotel yet!