Anyway holiday mode has commenced.

I can’t explain it but the overall sense of “freedom” I feel when I land in a foreign country (esp Europe / Canada / India) is liberating. It’s like being with normal people again instead of Americans 😅

Hijack on Apple TV is such a corny fun TV show. Fast paced and exciting this is good for one time watch. Plus is there anything Idris Elba cannot make watchable?

Oppenheimer viewing has now been postponed by two weeks. I hope it still exists somewhere in IMAX for us to see it. I am bummed that we couldn’t keep up with FDFS show for a Nolan directorial, but I guess its fine. Totally going to see Barbie also though my kid is already complaining about not watching it. She’d rather watch Oppenheimer but that R rating has def worked against it.

This this this this this this this this this!

No Hello

Hunter Biden is such a fucking liability. He should be glad he has a dad like Joe. Most regular people would’ve disowned him and thrown him to the streets.

The After Party is back on Apple TV for second season. The first one was hilarious and underrated gem on Apple TV and the first episode of second season looks like it’s going to continue the same.

I am never going to understand what prompted Venmo to decide that I am interested in everyone’s else’s payments to other people on MY feed! Like I give a fuck if our house cleaning lady paid somebody else to do her nails! Or my friend in California paid someone for summer camp. Like why? How is this even remotely useful for me to know.

I am not sure what I am expecting out of Oppenheimer. I haven’t read any reviews except the RottenTomatoes score. I can’t say I am excited because the topic of the movie is quite grim to begin with, so I can’t possibly say it was so exciting to see one of the world’s worst inventions came true. So yeah, not sure what to expect as a movie going experience.

Good grief, two of my trees in the front yard are flowering and shedding at same time. My entire driveway and sidewalk and part of road in front of our house is looking like spring/fall hit us at once. Of course we are the only house in this community with this problem and these trees. One of these days I need to clean it up but I am wondering how long can I let it go before my HOA dings me about it?

I don’t know what I hate more - going to bed at 10:30 because I am sleepy or waking up at 5 because I slept at 10:30!

I suppose ChatGPT learnt common core hence:

Is it just me or fruit flies literally show up of nowhere? Like how do they even form? I feel like there is some association to bananas ripening on counter top but really how do they just…appear one day?

Nothing you do is going to change the outcome is not a good enough reason to do nothing.


It’s summer and I haven’t been to a beach once this year. I guess if I wait another 10 years the beach will come to me and then I won’t have to go too far for the beach. 🤷‍♂️

I have been asked to lead a new initiative on sustainability and accessibility within our team. One topic I don’t know much about and one I know lot about.

At what point will the countries decide that internet needs a forget button? We cannot possibly go another 50-60 years without thinking about how much data is being thrown at internet with no real way out. Like at some pt we have to run out of hard disk space to store data yeah?

Is he a dog?

Last week at summer swim this week. The kid qualified for divisionals which means she gets to take part in a week long extensive practice before the last meet of the season this weekend. While the whole summer swim turned out to be way more intense and time consuming than I expected it to be, this was also the most fun part of it all. Our minds are already made up to sign up for summer swim as long as she swims in spite of the hectic schedule. I am sure the kid is looking forward to next few weeks of no swimming however - 3 hour practice per day (speed across the day) is a lot for a 12 year old so the break will come in handy.

BEEF starts out so well and then becomes complete crap from episode 4