I fucking love DC and way Netanyahu has been welcomed into the city. I also fucking love how the entirety of the area surrounding Israel embassy is now just boards of Palestinian causes. Netanyahu and his children killing nazis have no place in our city, fuck off!

Honestly Obama is kinda looking stupid and self absorbed by holding out on his endorsement. What exactly is he waiting on? For whom? Does he want to make it about himself at DNC? Like the whole party united overnight but somehow Obama thinks he needs to hold out a bit more. A bit disappointed by his moves which makes me think Biden was right to be angry at them.

If Kamala wins I really hope she gets rid of that ultra chutiya Merrick Garland forever. Thats it. Thats the only wish.

My eldest cousin (well I am second in line so there’s lots after us) sent us pictures of him and his family at his son’s university campus. They have gone to send him off to university, check him into hostel and such. I couldn’t stop thinking about passage of time that we are now at that age where our kids are heading off to college, and part of my brain is still stuck in my own college days. You never really move on from college days mentally do you, especially if you’d had a very memorable one.

How in the world a literal nazi like Netanyahu is allowed into the USA is beyond me. This guy is Hitler 2.0 and should be treated with as much contempt as Hitler and nazi party got.

📺 Gullak (2019) - ★★★★☆

Gullak poster

It’s hard to describe this series. A wonder years style show set in present India but emulating 90s feel and life. This show is so much all at once and so endearing. (And also, very funny!). TVF just keeps belting out terrific shows these days.

📺 Scam 2003: The Telgi Story (2023) - ★★★★☆

Scam 2003: The Telgi Story poster

A worthy second part on a different scam in India. The acting by lead by absolutely first rate and I honestly couldn’t make out the real guy from actor. Well done series!

There you go. Didnt take too long for progressive fucks to show up.

There is such an overwhelming sense of hope and positivity today in me that this election may just be winnable after all. But I am not alone - this is the first time a couple of my reports just outright started talking politics with me and how excited they are about Kamala, and what will they do now to get her elected. Both women, one young, one older but charged up with this change. I am sure they are not alone here. Now hopefully this initial momentum continues all the way to November!

Not impressed tbh with Obama not coming out and endorsing Kamala right away. Like dude what the fuck is your agenda at this point to hold it back? His voice matters and he knows that so just say it already.

In 2020 I tweeted if we would be lucky to have Kamala/Pete 2024 and now I am suddenly feeling ooh this might actually happen.

Well done Joe Biden. My respect for you has gone up 100x. The best President this country has had in decades, even eclipsing Obama/Clinton in many respects, you did not deserve what was being done to you. It was the right call and now the country either stand up for democracy or get fucked and get what it deserves. You should retire in dignity.

Man looking at the way Bernie Sanders at 82 clearly and articulately defend Biden, it’s hard not to notice the cognitive decline of Biden. Sanders is a year older but he still speaks with so much clarity and thought. It’s hard not to compare the two and see the difference.

A week away from our summer trip and in the last 2 weeks I have changed every hotel in every city we are visiting to some nicer and cheaper! A hot tip is never prepay for your hotel bookings even if they are cheaper and wait it out till the last moment. More often than not you will find a better hotel at better price and it pays to have a cancellable reservation.

Meeting doodles this week

Zuckerberg really has the spine of a mouse doesn’t he? What a fucking loser. Trump said one thing and he is already bending the knee for him. These people just have no morality in them anymore.

This was a fun test to do. Whats Yours?

I used to be a huge fan of Hoka shoes once upon a time. Now I can’t stand their lets make everything as garishly colorful and bright as we possibly can look of all their shoes.

Fuck no! Where did summer go!

This whole reservations for “Kannadigas” in Karnataka was a long time coming. For more than a decade BJP has been successfully brainwashing people in Karnataka against muslims, Tamilians, North Indians and even foreigners. Nowhere else are you going to find this level of hate against non Kannadigas as much as in Bangalore.

That said, I dont know why Bangalore became so brashly outwardly toxic like this. They could’ve easily just adopted the Chennai framework and given everyone the silent treatment for not speaking their local language.