At the career fair yesterday afternoon I met some of R’s friends that she used to hang out with a lot in previous grades but has sort of been a bit in and out of touch with them. Anyway, I ask this 5th grader where her bestie is, and this girl goes into a long story about how she suffers from anxiety attacks, and she had one a few days ago and she had to miss school. Now her bestie is also faking her own anxiety attack so she could stay home too. I had no idea how to react to this and could only mutter “I hope you both are feeling better now!” and leave it at that. But, kid, never lose that ability to talk about your mental health in open like this. I love the honesty you displayed and awareness of your own self, even as a fifth grader. Please, please do not grow up to become an adult who keeps everything inside and does not open up! Keep doing you what you are doing & you will do great.