One big misconception I had when we brought home Hobbes as a pup last year was somehow we would have this intense familial bond from day 1. It was the opposite - the pup stages were hard on us (me specifically), especially combining the other stressors going on at same time. Even before 2 months were up we left him at our friends to go to India and then we had to delay picking him up coz of covid etc.
This December is truly the first year he has spent with us without any break and I feel like the bond between us and Hobbes is now about solidified. In the initial stages we cared for a pup, but now we are so in tune with him that it doesn’t feel like “caring” but just like being with another kid in house. I do think however his hospital stay in august had a deep impact on me personally and I am still shook by what he went through. Cant deny the after effect of that also made us connect with him more.