Last weekend had a get together at ours, a sort of belated birthday party of sorts. We are too old for dancing and merrymaking but we still get together always to celebrate. Topic came about would we recommend anybody in our family to come to USA anymore – and all of us agreed it was a hard no. Twenty two years ago life was different, and USA was a de-facto choice if you wanted to immigrate to a land of opportunity and growth. Now with continual decline of society in USA, coupled with insane living, healthcare & education costs, immigraton system, political climate and general stressful living nature has convinced us that if we were in our twenties today, none of us would choose USA as our first destination. My younger cousins and teenage nephews keep asking me about continuing higher education here & my answer to them these days is either go to Germany or Canada if they can handle the cold, and keep USA as a middle to low tier option. Heck I will be thrilled if our kid herself decides to study outside of USA lol!