So i asked ChatGPT to plan me a 2 week itineary to italy in summer and it came up with a great itineary. How do I know its a fantastic itineary? Coz AI said so, it must be great! Never mind the web is full of 2 week itinearies to italy. Like literally type that in search box and see for yourself how many of them you get. But, chatGPT one is better because AI said so. Thats how all the MSM journalists and bloggers are hyping this up. Chill. Until the day chatGPT not just finds the best airfare from my location to rome in summer, plans the itineary, books all the hotels based on my preferences and airfare (and/or taxi/car rental) and just asks me for my credit card I wont believe that true AI is here. At best we have a conversational bot thats more intelligent is all. Which BTW would be cool if chatGPT could actually do all of it because planning a trip is a headache.