Over the last couple of months we’ve been doing one renovation project after another to bring this house to where we want it to be and we are finally seeing the finish line for our first set of things we wanted done, and its honestly been quite relieving to me mentally. In the last couple of months we’ve completely redone our backyard, redid our guest bathroom and currently in process of moving our powder room to an entirely different part of house. The plumber took 2 days to design the entire rerouting of pipes, but once the walls of powder room came down it was already so worth it with the amount of free flowing space it has created between living room and kitchen. In a couple of weeks we wil l have some net new windows carved out of walls and put in so that should improve our light situation 1000x. While our major kitchen reno is pending, thats the one we are not in hurry. It will happen earlier rather than later, but we are going to enjoy the break for a while and soak in the home improvements!