The kid got her results last night and she missed getting into Algebra 1 course by 1 percent. The cutoff was 91%, while she scored 90%. To qualify for Algebra 1 in middle school in Fairfax county, kids need to pass the IAAT math exam with score > 91% and have advanced proficiency in state SOL (which she will!). Considering many of her friends made it, she has been devastated. While we were initially bummed too, I am almost thankful to a bit that she doesn’t have to take on the pressure of a high school course right out of gate in middle school. Could she have taken it on? Probably. But given her future interests about where she wants to be, its not going to impact her college readiness since CS/Math is the last thing she wants to do anyway. But cheering her up yesterday was a challenge. Thankfully by night time she was all prepped up and excited about taking on Math 7 honors class instead!