Speaking of my distrust in desi doctors in USA, it stems from a PCP that I visited in my twenties. Newly graduated, with a job and health benefits and I was like why not make use of annual physical? It was only a couple years into this country so naturally I was like desi doctor better because they understand Indian mentalities. Found a doc close by where I lived and booked an appointment. The doc proceeds to do a physical, and then while listening with stethoscope, quips that my heart is beating in a weird way, and its sometimes a symptom of a tilted heart (no kidding!). I was then asked to visit very specific places for x-ray, mri and some other scans with all no prizes for guessing more desi docs. I was freaked out for a month until I got through all of the tests and it just came across as one desi mafia operation. In the end the result? Oh, nothing was ever wrong with my heart. I’ve been to a couple of desi docs after that but my experience 90% of the time has been that they come across as some kind of money making mafia operation.