Writing is quite cathartic for me. I have noted my deepest fears, disappointments, joy or otherwise through these years. I don’t write for anyone, and I dont for the most part even care much for grammar or sentence structure / spelling. What I do care about it speaking whatever is in my mind and it has helped me so much its indescribable. It wasn’t until I wrote my annual blog post this year I really discovered that what a mess I was for a majority of last year and pretty much lived through depression. Its almost like the act of writing it all out has somehow snapped me out of that frame. I fee much better and happier these days, more relaxed and more hopeful of things around me. Its almost like writing that post finally made me realize how much I was holding in and needed to vent out, specifically via writing. I really should be blogging more often - clearly it helps me bring clarity to myself and makes me feel better!