While I applaud NPR for their stance against Twitter, did it have to come to that for them to quit Twitter? This is a common theme you see by so many twitter “celebrities”, desi or otherwise - they keep harping about how fascism doesnt discriminate, and how fascism will eventually come for them too and yada yada, but they will happily stick to the platform because its not come to hurt them yet. Like as if NPR didnt know already what a complete trashcan of a company Twitter became once Elon took over - but they decided to wait until something hurt their brand and now be like “we can’t trust Twitter”. yeah, no shit. A no man like me could see that from miles away. I am sure this will happen to our twitterati folks as well - once day their account will be labeled something else, and that fine day will be day it will dawn on them they should’ve left and saved their face when they could!