Yesterday we had a guy over who took 3 hours to assemble 4 different pieces of furniture we ordered from Ikea. I am so fucking glad I outsourced this work to a handyman. Sure I had to pay money, but the time savings and no headache was so worth it. What he took 3 hours to assemble 4 pieces would have guaranteed taken me 3 days of assembling, included much stress on myself and I would have invariably made mistakes (which I always do with assemblies!). Now, this guy got done in 3 hours, all pieces have been arranged in their places and I didn’t need to employ my time. Sure, this is a sign of being able to afford such luxuries, but its also a sign of me getting old and deciding what to spend my time & energy on. A decade ago I would have laughed at myself for even thinking about employing a handy to assemble Ikea furniture and would have gladly spent those 3 days with mistakes included. Now, not so much.