Its now been almost 3 weeks since our RTO started. Its frankly not been that bad at all, and feels like the pre-pandemic days. I go in several days and stay a few hours and come back. I was able to connect with couple of team members, and honestly some conversations are just so easily done in person without the burden of scheduling and finding time. I and a colleague got done with a bunch of things white-boarding it during a coffee break that otherwise would have taken us several days to find time on each other’s calendar and go through it. I connected with another person whom I’ve only met in meetings, our casual conversation after meeting gave us a path to something we want to do in future; without this interaction I would have been spending days and days together trying to hunt the information. These kind of conversations are productive, quick and move things ahead and precisely what RTO is good for. As long as I can RTO for these kind of things and keep my focussed work at home, I am game for this. Which is basically saying as long as I can RTO for 3 hours on a given day its productive lol!