This morning my dad & I argued about how old I was when we stayed in Pune. He kept insisting I was in 5th or 6th grade at best and I was like, no, I was in 7th and 8th grade when we were in Pune. He kept insisting I was wrong, and I am like I would definitely remember what my age was in 7th and 8th grade! How did this topic come up? He got a call from a daughter of a friend of his who used to stay in the same building that we did in Pune, and this said daughter knew me (but I had zero recollection of her). She stays local to the area and my dad couldn’t stop about how excited I would be to meet her & connect and how we used to play as kids together (no, we didnt, not at all, and she was way younger than me so she probably wouldn’t remember anyway!). My dad’s habit of bending the truth to suit himself is something that has always infuriated me, and its one of the reasons I just refuse to meet absolutely any of his friends & their families (save one, who unfortunately passed away few years back). Time & again I’ve seen him bend the truth to suit him even at the expense of making us look stupid so I decided long back I wasn’t getting into this nonsense at all. Now about this lady who has invited us with dad? Well there’s Uber and its not far away & I will magically develop halka sa fever on the said day and get out of it.