Its been almost a year since I left the startup and joined back the mothership. When I had joined the startup, they had just gotten a new round of big funding, became a tech unicorn in education space and showed immense promise. They were making good hires, setting up for scale and product growth. Except none of that happened. Thanks to a completely wayward egomanic CEO, everything fell apart so quickly within a year that a majority of executives quit. Luckily for me I had an opportunity to jump ship but boy has it fallen even further. I sometimes look at Glassdoor reviews for the company are they depict an entirely miserable workplace and I feel so bad because some of the most passionate people I worked with also worked there. There are still people working there I am in touch with and they paint an outlook thats even worse than Glassdoor suggests. My own personal experience at the startup has taken away all my interest and enthusiasm I had for startups after being in big enterprises for so long. Now I feel like working here is slow, but at least not chaotic!