Rich people spoil everything. Case in point - Burning Man. More than a decade ago while we lived in California, going to Burning Man seemed like a must-do, something young people of my age (then) did. I totally adored the idea of self expression and art and amalgamation of two. And then rich people descended upon it. Then it went from art and self expression to drugs sex rock n roll and rich tech bros one upping each other. So when I heard about the latest saga of rains and Burning Man, I was like fucking glad. They deserved it. Its amazing how my view of Burning Man has completely flipflopped in the last decade just because of rich people. The funny thing is rich people themselves have done nothing to me personally to warrant that hate. Heck I have not even been to Burning Man. But now I just hate it because rich people ruined it. It must be so tough to be rich. Tsk! Tsk!