Last night at dinner the kid asked Will I still be friends with X Y Z in my twenties? and our answer was It all depends on you and them; we hope you do, but it takes effort from everyone. It got me thinking however, how many of my own childhood friends I am in touch? The answer sadly, is zero. My kid has literally grown up around our family friends kids from day 0; they all treat each other more like brothers & sisters rather than friends; they fight like siblings and then can’t wait to see each other as well. And yet, as they are all growing up to be teenagers and in a few years head off to college, I can’t help thinking if these next few years are about as much time they’ll spend with each other as they ever well. Its actually more likely that these folks will go out of touch as adults and some may even start hating each other (we hope not!). Whatever it is, but I do hope that these kids will put in as much as efforts as their parents did to maintain a sense of social circle & family (though ours was out of need and lack of roots more than anything else).