Day 11: retrospect. In retrospect, the most formative years of my life were spent in this school, and I am thankful for this; I am what I am because of this place. It also reminds me of an India where we were truly secular. While a catholic institution (with staff from international jesuit societies), the majority of kids were actually Hindu, followed by Christians and Muslims. None of us had any issues joining the catholic mass each morning even though it was not mandated we do; we all sang the same songs on Independence days for India; We shared lunches with each other not bothering what our caste and religion was. The school changed much afterwards - towards 2000s it went from being all boys school (except 11/12th grade) to a co-ed school, they closed down the indoor zoo and pool that elementary kids used, and cut down inter school competitions after a father left. Now given the ultra nationalist Hindu sentiment in India, this is labeled as a “Christian” school that only gives admissions to poor or dalit people wishing to convert to christianity. It has lost its luster not because it has done anything bad, its just that its a catholic school. And its so disappointing. I am just glad I attended this school when I did - I will always remain a Xavierite at heart.