I am planning on joining our HOA next year because I want to see how I can influence decisions around landscaping and trees in our neighborhood. Ours is a late 70s early 80s build neighborhood with a lot of houses in wooded settings while many out of them, ours being one of them. Many of the owners who are living here from 80s have left the growth unchecked and now we have 100ft+ trees scattered all over the around the community - which is amazing tbh as long as they are not next to your house. They provide shade in summer and fall looks amazing here. But at the same time with climate change realities the proximity of some of these trees is actually a risk. Incessant rains and winds cause many a tree branches to break and fall in backyards - and given how close they are to houses the threat of damage to houses is very real. I want the HOA to rule that all trees within X feet of property should be trimmed to a certain height that reduces the threat of bad damage to their own or neighbors house. Winds, rains and natural events are only going to get worse and if the old families in our neighborhood don’t grow up they risk serious threat to property and also property values. Trees have their place but it’s certainly not 5 feet from your house.