One of the annoying things about these home renovation projects is the contractor timelines. Its been almost a month since our kitchen renovation has started, and the contractors must have put in a total of 8-10 days work maximum. Rest of the time is either waiting on the county to come do an inspection or waiting on architect to verify his calculations on support beams. The thing is, when they do work, they are super optimized about it. If they want to, they can finish the entire kitchen within a week guaranteed. I keep telling the contractor, like just send 10 people over from your team for a week and get this over with! You get a full lump sum payment from me, I am happy, you are happy, job’s done and you can move to next. But no, this has to turn into an elongated multi month process just because. And its not just them, this is literally any home contractors now. Like surely you’d have figured this out? Or maybe they do and I dont know why this elongated schedule exists.