I am in bit of a bind. A few weeks ago we got a package that was addressed to us but to the wrong recipient. I first pinged our previous owner who gleefully said that for once it was no one in his family! (backstory: We receive our previous owner packages constantly, and he keeps coming back to pick them up, and we’ve become friends over this package pickup thing). I asked in our community HOA and no such person exists. I opened the package because the return address was some weird name that I had no idea - and it turns out its a gift for a newborn that this person probably had and it was a corporate gift. Again no return, but at least the corporate name is there. I was like fuck it, its been weeks since we have this box, maybe I should just put it on local buy nothing group and someone will pickup. Out of curiosity I decided to google the recipient one last time and turns out the recipient is a lady who works in DC in a legal firm representing pharma companies. On one hand I am like now that I know who that person is I should call them up, but its very likely this person is on maternity leave so I won’t reach her anyway. On second hand I am like fuck it, if this was a corporate gift, they already probably know it went to the wrong address and may have already sent a replacement so why should I bother. Plus, the person is legal and I dont want to get into any uncertainty over googling them. I can’t decide if I should do the nice thing and call their office or screw it and give it to a needy family on buy nothing group. I mean, as is, its been weeks so the baby has already probably outgrown half the items!