Sometimes I wish my kid had more desi/Indian friends. A majority of her friends in school/swim are white, and while they are all amazing girls from awesome families, we often feel like we don’t know how to extend the kids friendships to adults - they are all great folks but we’ve never really gone from being acquaintances and parents of BFFs to being actual friends ourselves. With Indians, its almost guaranteed that if two-three kids are BFFs, sooner or later the parents will also meet up with invites for snacks/lunch/dinner and eventually become friends. I am reasonably sure that happens within white families also, but I don’t think it happens as much in mixed races - Or at least I do not have any proof outside my own circle of friends to say so that it isn’t. Nobody in my close circle or even outside of it has friends of other colors (specifically white, black); acquaintances yes, but not friends. Having Asian friends is more common though and I guess its attributable to being immigrants too. Anyway random musings on a Friday evening before doggo walk.