Last night at Seattle airport I almost got into an unforced altercation with a black woman. She was so aggressive and loud it made me just very uncomfortable. She was angry about something stuck to her bag and she assumed randomly I did that. I was sleepy and I do not like confronting these kind of people in public so I told her firmly that I didnt do it, but I am happy to clean that bag with a tissue (and I did), apologized to her and moved on. Then a minute later she comes to me again all nice and says, oh do you work for X company? I saw you on the same plane as me coming into Seattle. Turns out she works in retail side of the company and reports to a different director. Her whole body demeanor then changed to oh how she was misled by another woman on the side to think it was me. Back of my mind I was like fuck you bitch, there was no reason to start creating a scene for that but I was like fuck these kind of people. Said my pleasantries and goodbyes and moved on, and I promised myself if this POS ever came looking for a job in my team, the answer will be a handsome no.