Our city holds a 3 day fest on Memorial Day weekend with attractions, rides, food and live music. It’s always cheese American fun and we usually try to attend a few hours. This time though the teenager invited her friends to our house (we stay very close to the fest) to drive to the fest. Then what was supposed to be a 3 hour thing turned into a full day in hot sun. I and A were drained out of our soul in the weather while these kids still seemed to bouncing off walls. Later in evening they even rejected their parents offers to sub in for us and decided to come to our house for dinner! Were they done post dinner? No. They apparently had to talk something very important so we parents chilled out on first floor. After what felt like an hour the kids call us to basement and show us a dance performance they concocted while everyone waited. It was fun and tiring but a day well worth it in the end!