How horrible and completely out of control price gauging is in the USA? A employee in my company put concert tickets on sale a couple of months back when I had just started looking. She wanted between 3-4000 dollars per ticket, which she also sold overnight! For significantly significantly less amount of money that would have cost our family those tickets, I booked my entire summer trip, including flights, hotels, trains, Olympic tickets and the concert tickets. By the end of the trip I am confident we will have still spent less on this than making the trip in the USA to just watch the concert. You want to see late stage capitalism at its worst just look for Taylor swift tickets for shows in USA / Canada. Like who are these morons who buy these tickets and why? Why are there no laws like Europe that restrict uncontrolled price gauging? It’s just apalling. And somehow majority of the country feels they are in recession and inflation out of control.