Yesterday my therapist asked me “*When was the last time in recent years you were truly happy? Like truly happy that you wanted to be stuck in that moment!”. The first memory that came back to me immediately when asked that question was not the memory I thought it should be. I struggled for a while to think of a good time when I was truly happy and wanted to be stuck in that moment. Eventually I went back to the very first thing that came to my mind when she asked the qn - It was the trip that we did as family to Universal Studios in Orlando. R was big into Harry Potter then, and a large part of trip was largely unplanned except knowing we had many days in park. We visited the same parts of Universal Studios (namely Harry Potter world) multiple times in day and evenings and the kid truly relished it all soaking it all in. We enjoyed it too, and I was particularly very happy that my kid had joined me in every roller coaster (that was her first experience with “adult” roller coasters) and generally was over the moon. I dont know why I struggled so much to say it when it was right in my face but I really wanted it to be something else when the answer was it did not have to be some other memory.