I’ve realized that i no longer feel passionate about education as a field in general. When I first forayed into education space almost 7 years ago i really resonated with the industry, the meaningful work we did - first for higher education and then K12. It was an unique opportunity to do this work while being in a corporate behemoth and not academia. But over the years its become very clear that education as a field is a slow moving dead duck. The things we talked about then are still the same challenges we have today about learning outcomes, demonstrating proficiency and more. There is literally zero difference between what was 7 years ago vs now. In my K12 space I heard teachers from Florida and Texas literally crying on phone about their state legislatures. I have been on calls with higher-ed academics who want to bring today’s technology into class but keep running into obstacles. When we talk to employers the challenge of an employer to find a good prospect is the same as it was 7 years ago. The education industry is full of passionate people, but it really feels like a dull industry now to me. I can’t wait to make a move internally in a few months into a more product based service rather than education.